I am the biggest worry wart stressful person you will probably - TopicsExpress


I am the biggest worry wart stressful person you will probably know. I hope one day I will just realize that I cant do everything, please everybody or fix it all. I hope one day I can take care of myself while still helping others but for now its not happening and its taking its toll. I am not a mother a nurse or superwoman but I am doing my best even if sometimes there are bumps in the road I need to learn that I cant control everything and that its not always my fault it just is what it is sometimes. so until the day comes that I can just realize all these things and just live life and be happy I would appreciate all the good vibes, positive thoughts etc. and to those who sit back and think I dont do much or I have nothing to worry about or stress over well frankly you guys can suck it. Obviously there are worst things out there but maybe I am at my worse and you just dont get it but Im not giving up and I am going to continue what I am doing I just need to learn how to take a step back and breath sometimes. That is all. Have a good day everyone :)
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 01:08:27 +0000

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