I am the gentlest softest most emotional woman EVER but believe - TopicsExpress


I am the gentlest softest most emotional woman EVER but believe me, when things go south.. I can change into the strongest woman you have EVER seen. When my daughter is involved and I feel she was slighted or wronged, I freak I wrote a LONG letter to Zahra s father today and I let him know after 10 years of neglect and absolutely NO cooperation in building a relationship with his daughter that I will NEVER speak to him by phone again. He can have a relationship with her..not that hes actually TRIED not seeing her for 6 years.. Not making any attempt to see her and not helping me in anyway travel 6 states to see her. All I know is that Zahra will be 10 years old in 12 days and I have tried EVERYTHING to keep things loving and calm between them. He did NOTHING to help Zahra build a real relationship with her family in Morocco. Hes done nothing but bash me. I forgave him 2000 in back child support. He pays 261 a month and has for 10 years and I have never once asked him for help with her medical bills, daycare or school. I have not ever hurt him one time, always being kind only to hear how he never wanted her and how she ruined his life with her birth.. and how his life is over. Never asking me how she truly is or really caring. I took her to morocco to see her heritage and he obstructed any kind of real relationship with her family. They were polite but I know hes behind all of it. He never once tried for Zahra to really have a real grandma or build true love between her and her family. He did nothing but lie to everyone not even telling his MOM she existed... I do NOT blame his family. They are INNOCENTS. But his treatment of his child has flipped me out more than I can bear. If I could legally terminate his parental rights and be done for the rest of my life with him I could. He s on her birth certificate and its unfortunate shes stuck with a father who does not love or want her. This trip to Morocco destroyed my illusions of what I would be able to do for Zahra. I tried so so so hard to build things for her only to watch his selfishness and self centeredness destroy it. You got your wish Karim Belhadi .. I am absolutely done with all your nonsense.My daughter knows she is Moroccan. She has met very nice Moroccans and eaten food with them, hugged them.. had siffa...marka.. been to markets and homes but it was because total stranger in Casablanca made it happened because you did so much to cut off any real relationship she could have build with her real cousins.. She could have been growing up spending summers in Morocco with them.. She could have known them and gone to weddings and been with her grandmother in the summers as a teenager. That will now never happen because how you look is more important to you. You are still legally MARRIED to the woman you used for a greencard. . You havent seen her in 14 years.You dont even CARE enough about HER life to let her go on with her life. Why the hell should I think you would care about Zahra and her futre? Why am I making all of this public? Because I need emotional support for dealing with your neglect and the stress of your nonsense. I finally just flipped out and had it. I have done EVERYTHING a mom can do to build a life between you and her and you do NOTHING.. When I called you about her being sick, you told me you wished still she was aborted.You wish she was dead or gone or not here. So why in the holy &*((& do I have to be nice to you? You make the effort and you will see her.. You make the effort and you will talk to her on Skype or anyway you want. But you will NOT talk to me EVER again. I am not going to make your life super easy doing all the work, trying to hold on to a relationship that is hurting your child.. building up hopes that she is loved because you dont. It took coming to Morocco to figure that out. Youre welcome
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 13:04:16 +0000

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