I am the parent of three West Genesee Central School District - TopicsExpress


I am the parent of three West Genesee Central School District students. One at East Hill Elementary in the third grade, who will REFUSE NYS testing for the first time this year. Two at Camillus Middle School, refusing testing for the first time as well. Had I known then what I know now I would never have allowed the schools to let the state monitor and control the public education system for my children or others around us. I have made it my personal mission to attempt to inform other parents of what they can do to help in educational reform by sharing what rights we parents and students have with participation in NYS testing. I have been shocked to learn that over 35% of our students days are spent, pretesting, filed testing, prepping for testing and retesting. “DATA” is the key phrase…. not creativity, enthusiasm, dedication, self- confidence, endurance, sense of wonder, motivation and reliability…… I am shocked to learn how little parents know about what comes out of these test scores, or really how little comes out of them for each student given the amount of time wasted on test prep and testing. I am shocked to learn that there is no way to remove state mandates, based on one test score, in the next years education of a student. When a student’s excellent academic performance over time is ignored.. only to find that a state mandated service cannot be removed until retested by the next state test, all based on over a test score taken 3-8 months earlier, there is a real flaw in accountability and appropriate facilitation of POSITIVE student progress and reinforcement of POSTITIVE mental mentorship. Taking the control out of the local hands of parents and schools to effectively place students based on how they are doing “NOW” is FLAWED! And WASTEFUL of valuable resources within districts. The lack of flexibility in teaching methods to modify lessons to teach to the student(s), rather than the class as a “one size fits all lesson plan”, increases the need to then re-teach, insists on higher parental support to teach or add AIS services because not all students learn the same way at the same time. Socio economic factors and diversity weigh in here so strongly, and yet budgetary means are not met to meet what is needed across many NYS districts. Higher incidences of child illnesses, and pushes for special education, remediation or medications for ADHD or ADD are out of control. I am shocked to see IEP’s ignored and tests forced on kids through pressures of teachers and administrators regardless of parental and student wishes. I am shocked to learn of teachers using methods of “bribery” or “intimidation” when insisting on the “value” of the test scores. Removing valued recesses, free times, extra-curricular activities, insisting on suspensions and more are not positive motivators for anyone let alone children k-8. I have shocked by how many teachers have suggested their jobs were in the hands of the students- to the students. Poor mentorship for sure! The lack of developmental appropriateness of materials at developmentally appropriate times is staggering. To see sixth graders working with the same worksheets of my third grader validates the lack of regard for age/grade level appropriateness…. The comparisons of “PRE COMMON CORE” third grade to “CURRENT COMMON CORE CURRICULUM” is heart wrenching. Not Rigorous but demoralizing. The lack of consideration of the privacy of personal medical, financial, political & religious affiliations is unbelievable in a time when “privacy” is so hard to come by anymore. The exhibits of indoctrination of lessons seen shared are horrifying and completely unnecessary and show lack of editing by teachers before presenting materials offered NYS ED ENGAGENY.org. The lack of representation on the legislative level to see changes to “CURRICULUM CHANGES ” over delay in evaluations of teachers or possible draw back in amount of time spent prepping for testing is spiteful and “UN-AMERICAN” The concept of evaluating teachers on materials they themselves are just now learning and yet evaluated on one year’s “FLAWED” implementation is Ludicrous! The idea of going into this year’s testing with the expectation that in struggling districts 84% OF 3-8 GRADERS WILL FAIL…. I am at a loss for words there…. The concepts of Gov. Cuomo to put the supposed “surplus” of budgetary funds into charter schools rather than public schools is again an unfortunate indication of how politically motivated public education vs. charter schools has become. A potential Legislative Failure to recognize the need to reduce the GAP Elimination in education budgets to meet the needs of districts will be devastating to districts all across the state. The variance of school districts policies on how to handle those who refuse NYS tests next week shows more intimidation and some levels of respect for personal choices based on the policies they adopt. “Sit and Stare” policies differ across the state. The idea that an 8 year old could realistically sit in a classroom and do nothing (some districts policies) or even be allowed to read independently in their seat or in the back of the testing classroom for 60-90 minutes is not reasonable nor a respectful response to those refusing to take the tests or for those choosing to take the test. Nor is there any respect for the position of the teacher/proctor who then must assure that there are no distractions from the task of test taking. I had submitted letters of refusals of all NYS testing measures in both schools in November 2013. The schools have not adhered to my requests on tests such as the AIMSWEB, PARC, Field tests, Bench mark tests and more insisting I am asking for specialized treatment in an otherwise public education system and that the only way to eliminate the need for these tests would be to homeschool. My continued argument to that district comment it that I am not against testing…. It is the over-testing and the testing on inappropriate materials and untaught materials as well as the lack of acknowledgement on current academics over test scores. There is more than enough monitoring of student progress that goes on every day in a class to acknowledge the success of a student or teacher. The waste of valuable time and opportunities to create a creative and meaningful relationship with a student is being lost in the “DATA” collection process. I will not give the schools the opportunity to submit my girls to 400-520 minutes of additional NYS testing this coming month. The schools have accepted our refusal to take part in this flawed and poorly implemented educational curriculum. I will be keeping my children home on all six days of testing until testing has been completed, at which time they will arrive to school to finish out the testing days as normal days. They will not be asked to take any make up tests. They will be scored as refusals with no consequence to their academic standing nor to their teacher’s SLO score…… Please join us at the forum tomorrow night at OCC, Storer Auditorim 3/25 6pm.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 16:41:43 +0000

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