I am thinking of a video blog for homeschooling. There are so - TopicsExpress


I am thinking of a video blog for homeschooling. There are so many opportunities to teach in just everyday life. I need a go-pro .... Today, Gabe and I made tuna-rice cakes for the dogs. (Yeah, I am that crazy lady. Anyway ....) Tuna is 1:1 with rice and 1:2 with eggs. So I set out three cans of tuna, and told him that we needed 2 eggs for every can of tuna, then let him figure it out. First, he brought two eggs and put them on one can. Then he wanted eggs that were the same size, so he got the carton and started comparing eggs. He ended up with two duck eggs and two guinea eggs and two chicken eggs. No banties, they were two small, he decided. Then he needed help opening the cans, but he learned how the can opener worked, that the blade had to bite the lid. Then he saved out the tuna water for his cats. Afterwards, he put everything in the mixer bowl, and put it on low until mixed. We sprayed cupcake tins and put in liners. Smashed globs of goopy mess into them. Its baking now. While baking he wanted a sandwich. His directions ... Peanut butter. Take one slice of bread. Put on the pb, no j. Fold in half. Cut in squares. What to you call those? Quarters. (Yesterday, it was Cut my pumpkin bread in circles and put on a circular plate.) Now, what do I see in there? Oral fluency, following directions, memorizing, counting, proportions, adding, multiplication, geometry, fractions, predicting, health, science, interpersonal relationships. And since he was singing Holy Night we could add religion and music. And a lot of patience for me, as it would have been much easier to open those cans FOR him, but letting him builds confidence. Now, someone please tell me again how sad. lonely and deprived kids are when they are homeschooled .... I might start telling people that they are complete and total idiots. Were off now, to feed rice to chickens, tuna water to cats and help finish installing a purple martin condo that he built yesterday. BTW, Gabriel is only five .... Crossing Over to Homeschooling Rebecca Pogue Kathryn Starr Thomas B Starr Madison Street Baptist Church Homeschoolers
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 20:05:14 +0000

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