I am tired! I am tired of political correctness or I should say - TopicsExpress


I am tired! I am tired of political correctness or I should say I am tired of the people that try to shove down my throat what “They” determine as political correctness! I am tired of the minority that expects the majority to cater to their every whim. I am tired of people that act as if I should apologize for being a Christian. It was a blessing to hear the press conference in which the doctor that is recovering from Ebola Thank God and his doctors for his recovery. He also thanked everyone for the prayers that went up for him. As soon as I heard his remarks, I knew that some would show their rears about his comments and sure enough they did. To those people that didnt like his comments all I can say is “Shut up!” I am tired of people that complain about our law enforcement. I thank God for them! These men and women put their lives on the line every day and many have to take part time jobs to just make enough to live on. I am tired of people that complain about our Armed Forces. There is not enough room to vent! I will just say, “I thank God for them.” I am tired of an education system that is so messed up that one child is expelled for biting the shape of a gun into a pop tart! Or having a little girl removed from class for saying, “bless you” when another child sneezes! We have some people that need to quit drinking the Government Kool-aid!!! I am tired of people that are offended by the words “Merry Christmas!” I am tired about people complaining about how things went to pot when they took prayer out of school! Things started going to pot when prayer got taken out of the home! It wasnt a governmental decree! It was parental choice! I am tired of “Time outs”. I overheard a mother tell her children as they went into a store the other day, “You have to behave or I will have to take away your technology.” I was amazed! My daddy told me that I was to behave or he would beat my butt! He didnt have to tell me every time I went into a store! He told me once when I was young and that applied from that time until I was old enough to leave his home. I am tired of a government that calls a terrorist act at Fort Hood, “Workplace violence!” I am tired of people that call anyone that disagrees with the President a racist! I respect the “Office of President” but Obama is a joke! Staying the course does not mean it’s OK to play another round of golf! And last but not least, I would like to say, “Go Washington REDSKINS!” OK, I feel better.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 14:14:33 +0000

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