I am tired! I am tired of racist attitudes and empty apologies! - TopicsExpress


I am tired! I am tired of racist attitudes and empty apologies! Thats not what I meant, I am not a racist, my words were taken out of context, if I offended anyone I am sorry! I am tired! Let me first say there is no room for the destruction of property and burning in Ferguson. That blocks out the message and just give more fuel to the racist fire!. Now Rudy Guliani has given us his two cents worth. When it did not go well he ran to Fox News to defend his comments! We all know Fox News is fair and unbiased! I am tired! There was once a slave owner in Mississippi, He was known as a kind owner. His slaves did not have to call him Master they just called him Mister. He did not allow his overseers to whip his slaves. If they did something wrong or something Mister did not like he would whip them himself because he did not really want to hurt them just teach them right from wrong. Even though they had to work seven days a week in the fields and in the house, one sunday per month they only had to work till lunchtime so they could play their music. Mister really liked the coloreds music. When he had to buy new slaves or sell slaves he always tried to keep the families together unless it cost too much! Mister was a kind slave owner! Mister had to take care of his slaves just like he did his horses and his other property, because they could not take care of themselves! Mister said they need me to take care of them and think for them because after all they just savages. Mister was a kind owner! People like Rudy Guliani, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin etc. etc., do not view Black people as their equals. We are a species that should be managed. We need them to think for us. Tell us how to act and how to vote. Dont be so Black and why are you always so angry. Dont we let you share in the American Dream. You people just take everything personally! That is why we fail! Not because of the Klan or any other overt racist group, we know how to handle them! I am tired! It is long past due that we stand up! Support each other, encourage each other, pray for each other. Ignore Alan Keyes and Ben Carson. They are idiots and not worthy of our time or energy. People like them are looking for power and are only looking out for themselves! We need to be proud of who we are and teach our children to be proud and courageous! Mister was not a kind owner. He was a slave owner. They were his property just like his horses and dogs. No more no less. My Momma used to tell me that I am not any better than anyone, but that no one was any better than me! I am tired!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 16:56:20 +0000

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