I am tired of all this hocus-pocus online so lets just get - TopicsExpress


I am tired of all this hocus-pocus online so lets just get straight to the core of a few things ok? Some people may be too busy to research the correct things when they are looking for truth so here let me help out with some so that it could help diffuse some of this confusion during this psyop on the mind wars. Researchers have investigated whether people will apply the social norms of politeness to computers. For example, when put in a position when they have to criticize someone face-to-face, people often hesitate or sugarcoat their true opinion. For instance, suppose you ask a group of students if they liked the discussion of the stochastic nature of the foraging habits of wildebeests? Most likely you will get a bunch of nods and a few audible murmurs. But no one will be honest enough to say, Wildebeests? I didnt hear a word of your boring lecture, but the monotonic drone of your voice did provide as a soothing background as I surfed the web on my laptop.- Not even those on the front row and clearly WERE surfing the web on their laptops would be that blunt. Instead, students save that kind of critique for their anonymous course-evaluation forms. But what if one asking for the input was talking to a computer? Would the students have the same inhibition against delivering a harsh judgement face-to-face to a machine? Half of the students were asked to enter their course evaluation to a computer that tutored them and the other half to a different machine with a different voice. Turns out, the students would not consciously sugarcoat their words to avoid hurting the machines feelings, but as you guessed, they certainly did hesitate to criticize the computer to its Face.- This here is exactly what I deal with all of the time and thats why I say all of the cowards who criticize me daily with false identifications are merely just that. Cowards. I dare anyone to stand here and say everything bluntly while showing the world your true face and say what everyone is thinking yet too afraid to say it out loud. Cmon then...... be done with it.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 20:45:55 +0000

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