I am totally tired of Middle Eastern religions messing up life and - TopicsExpress


I am totally tired of Middle Eastern religions messing up life and my freedom to choose. This film was entertainment as was The DaVinci Code and Name of The Rose, the latter hardly cast the Catholic Church in a good light for its disgraceful treatment, torture and murder of countless millions over the centuries, a mantle which has been taken over by extreme Islam. Did we hear a peep out of Catholics when that was shown? “No” So why the Golden Compass. As to teaching atheism, children will make up their own mind, whether to accept a highly fictional book written by people who were clearly pro-Roman, did not appreciate the life of a Jewish family and probably did not know anyone connected to Jesus of Nazareth, or not to accept it. I know I made my choice when I started studying ancient history to be an atheist, at least in terms of ORGANIZED religion. The simple fact is organized religion is really an excuse for men to behave abominably in the name of this religion or that religion. I think this would be clear to any child reading history, including religious history. So Bill Donohue leave religion to religion and quit behaving like a “NAZI”. We do not need your kind of censorship in the world. You clearly are a very ignorant man oblivious to the world around you to be focussed on a fictional book, namely the bible. If you should happen to read this comment, then you should read your own allegedly good book about “casting the first stone”. You are clearly a man with no morals just a desire to build a sad society of religious clones with no minds of their own. I hope they make these films and that Hollywood shows some guts. Trouble is Hollywood is clearly run by some incredibly dull people which would explain the conveyor belt of nonsense films that dribbles of it these days. Finding a good film is like trying to find a gold coin in a barrel of pigshit. Messy!!!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 06:39:12 +0000

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