I am truly disappointed in some of the comments I am just now - TopicsExpress


I am truly disappointed in some of the comments I am just now reading. The BLM stand down is NOT a diversion. Absorb that for one minute. They stood down because you folks on the internet made it viral. PERIOD. We showed pictures of women and children out there and you made it viral. If they would have TRIED an attack, the Nazis would have been decimated and there would have been women and children harmed. THEY HAD TO STANDDOWN. If they would have attacked, at least 5 million Patriots would have attacked the entire country in several locations simultaneously. The Nazis know this. Then we would have had the entire country backing the Rebels/Revolutionaries/freedom lovers. A Revolution CAN ONLY BE WON if the people are backing the freedom loving patriots. We are getting very close to critical mass. Critical mass is when the majority of people support the Freedom loving patriots. We are so, so close. Do not get me wrong. These Nazis are not done, but a diversion? Please quit spreading disinformation based on NOTHING. That is your opinion based on nothing. I am also giving my opinion based on some pretty valid logic. I can be wrong for sure, but I do not think so. They will attack Cliven Bundy in the courts. They are going to attack him in these crooked unconstitutional courts…. so what? Lets handle that when it happens. Some of you are saying we should have stayed there? For what? They left. They can come back tomorrow, next week, next month or 6 months from now and get Bundy. We are supposed to sit there for 6 months? Please. The point was made. I really do not think they will arrest Cliven, but they may. Let us suppose the arrest Bundy next week. He is in a jail cell. hmmm. I wonder if 3,000-4,000 armed to the teeth men would surround the jail? I wonder if these armed men would casually walk into the jail and demand his release or else? I wonder…….. Of course they will not stop this, but they will wait a while until things cool down. Diversion? Diversion from what? Like we are not watching these Nazis every move these days. Stop the fear based bullshit opinions presented as fact and based on NOTHING. Thank you
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 00:10:24 +0000

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