I am try oh so desperately to get my story out there and be heard. - TopicsExpress


I am try oh so desperately to get my story out there and be heard. Get it to someone who can help me. My name is Natalie Hilden and I am 15 years old. I am a Christmas baby and started out with a great childhood. I had a beautiful mom, and a strong handsome father. I lived a good normal childhood according to a journal my mom kept everyday after I was born. I read and read over that thing. My life got turned upside down the day of September 11th 2001 when my dad asked my mom for a divorce. After my parents split up is when I knew things were getting bad. I was at that age I could hear my parents arguing and knew somewhat of what they were talking about. Since as long as I remembered my mom was very ill... But it didnt stop me from being an extreme mommys girl. My mom had arterial vascular malformation and congestive heart failure. Arterial vascular malformation is basically when your blood vessels get entangled and create masses. On top of that she didnt only have one avm she had 6+ my life has been great I wouldnt change it for Anything but it has had its hardships. Ive sat by and watched my mom in and out of the hospital for months at a time, pain medication reactions, parent fights, family problems and money problems. There was a point in my life when things were good.(elementary school) Middle school had came and I came quickly aware of what bullys were. Two girls made it there absolute duty to make my life a living hell. Torturing me every day and even hacking into my social media accounts. My 7th grade year was probably the worst. My mom drove to the hospital for what she thought was a medicine reaction. But what really was heart, liver, kidney failure. She ended up getting airlifted to UW hospital in madison Wisconsin were my family was faced with the news.. We think she may last the night. I immediately was awoken in the middle of the night to madison to say my goodbyes. I remember walking into a dim room crying already. Seeing my mom in such horrid condition and not being able to help. I just played with her hair and kept whispering I love yous. She was pretty out of it. I remember walking out of the room and going into the bathroom hyperventilating crying begging god to let her pull through because I needed my mom in my life. She was my best friend. I then went and plugged in my head phones and listened to one direction the whole night through. My dad came into town to help me through this time. Through it all I kept going to school and kept up all As and a C in math.(but who likes math anyway) But to the grace of god my mommy pulled through it all and got to come home. Things were looking up for us. In the beginning of my 8th grade year is when my health took a turn for the worst. A large mass in my neck proved to be bad. After many doctors appointments we faced a cancer scare. After being referred to an ENT doctor in madison we found out thank god it wasnt cancer but just a benign tumor. That was big enough to fill my grown man doctors hands. That is when I was blessed to find Talias videos on YouTube. She gave me a new outlook on life in that hospital room. 8th grade year dragged on but I graduated and got a pep talk from my principal on how strong I was. Highschool was pretty great from the start I met a great group of boys who are my best friends. Until a deep ache in my right calf grew of concern. Along with the health scares the same two girls began to torture me again. The school I went to was not going to do any if about it... At all. My mom always spoke of great upset about the fact we had ended up with the same disease. She felt so guilty. But at the beginning of my freshman year I had one of three surgeries out in englewood Colorado. That is the only specialist available to people with this horrible disease. After that things were smooth sailing. I joined soccer, and was thriving in band. Until the spring when my mom went into the hospital again. I began to spiral into depression and anxiety. Really bad anxiety. I went my whole freshman year without a mother and hitching rides to school wi people. It was the toughest time of my life. My mom was slowly falling down a hole. Forgetting things getting loopy. She had surgeries on her leg after the last one on April 27th at 1:00am she peacefully stopped breathing... As my grandma said. I dont know how the hell that can be peaceful. But ok. It has been almost three months since Ive lost my mom my best friend my everything. It has been so hard. But you know certain people have kept me strong. My community, friends,teammates,and mostly One Direction. I know thats crazy but I am deeply begging you to share this. I have tickets to the one direction concert on august 29 th Liam payees birthday. I want to get noticed so I can explain to them that they have saved my life. Im wanting them to wear burgundy ribbons on their wrists at their concerts. I just want the chance to thank them. There has been nights when Ive been bawling and just listening to their music calms me. I can not ever thank them enough for stopping me from contemplating certain things. Please help me get this around help me make my dreams come true and get in contact with one direction Not all heroes wear capes❤️❤️❤️ Love you all Nat
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 04:04:31 +0000

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