I am trying to make this comprehensible and inoffensive so that - TopicsExpress


I am trying to make this comprehensible and inoffensive so that you might actually read it. Stay with me for a few – won’t you? Do you remember that you are on a journey towards cosmic comprehension? People may ask “Do you believe in reincarnation?” Belief in reincarnation has nothing to do with the process which is as much of a law as the law of gravity. You don’t go for a walk and fly away because you lose faith in the attraction of gravity. You remain anchored. You can adapt any religious belief system you wish to and you will still be subject to the laws of Reincarnation and the laws of Karma. So, you see, because of your beliefs, your memories may be obscured. You may not remember past lives yet for persons under hypnosis by trained professionals, it has always been reported that past lives can be sorted out and placed into perspective and the paranormal literature is filled with studies of persons who claim to remember past lives. A well respected paranormal researcher, Michael J. Pollock has spent a lot of time researching the evidence and there have been some fairly famous cases of it with one of the most famous cases being that of Bridey Murphy. The most famous case of past life regression through hypnosis is that of Ruth Simmons. In 1952, her therapist, Morey Bernstein, took her back past the point of her birth. Suddenly, Ruth began to speak with an Irish accent and claimed that her name was Bridey Murphy, who lived in 19th century Belfast, Ireland. Ruth recalled many details of her life as Bridey, but, unfortunately, attempts to find out if Ms. Murphy really existed were unsuccessful. There was, however, some indirect evidence for the truth of her story: under hypnosis, Bridey mentioned the names of two grocers in Belfast from whom she bought food, Mr. Farr and John Carrigan. A Belfast librarian found a city directory for 1865-1866 that listed both men as grocers. Her story was told both in a book by Bernstein and in a 1956 movie, The Search for Bridey Murphy. The thing about reincarnation that appeals to me (my memories aside), is that it makes sense in a Universal fashion. To live one life in whatever circumstances we live shows us nothing except how persons in very restricted circumstances live. If we are growing up in a Western country – we learn nothing much about Eastern experiences. We know nothing about starvation or deprivation in most cases and we don’t have to face constant war or disease threats. We know nothing about the despair felt by a mother who cannot feed her children or the one who sees them dying of horrible diseases with no way to help them. We know very little of the fear felt by persons living in war zones and we do not understand from one life a million other scenarios that can be encountered by human beings across the globe. What do the Organized Religions tell us? We live one life then die and join our loved ones in a beautiful Nirvana of some sort where we are told all of the secrets of existence as we sit and watch over our loved ones though we can’t really interfere much in their lives because it isn’t allowed but as soon as they die we are all together again in bliss filled harmony. We are rewarded for living one life well where the hardships we faced were nothing compared to those faced by other human beings who were required to make much harder choices yet we are all treated equally in heaven. I’m sorry – where is the justice in that? We need to experience everything in order to grow in both spirit and knowledge. They only way to do that is through experience and opportunity to make the wrong choices and the correct choices and then see the consequences of each. After we are done with one life we are granted (by ourselves and some spirit guides) access to all previous life experiences in order that we can assess what we have learned and what we yet need to learn. Time makes no difference here. Probability makes no difference. Location in the universe makes no difference. The only thing that matters is what we need to learn next in order to advance spiritually. Now there are those spirits whose essence is forever compatible with our own and we are usually (though not always) going to live our lives in association with them no matter where that might be or when, for that matter. Our vibrational frequencies are in harmonic agreement and we have learned together for all time so far and will likely be associated throughout all eternity. It may be that you have already met these entities in your present existence. I will assure you of one thing, when you do meet them you will know them and they will know you though it depends on what you have determined that your relationship will be in this life as to how much interaction you will have. Time is a construct for organizing life and experiential input, nothing more and each life in your overall progression to spiritual wholeness is a mere stepping stone or a file folder on the hard drive that constitutes your life. The physical, too is a construct, it really only serves to help your perceptions to order themselves into a coherent all. No matter what your experiences are they are only a moment in your overall tally of existences. You have done much more than you realize in your lives and will do far more than languish in either hell or heaven. The vistas are incredible; the chances for new experience and new learning are unlimited. Learning and increased knowledge forever – that is the true potential which we see in reincarnation and that is probably why 75% of the people in the world accept reincarnation as fact. What’s in YOUR future?
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 11:13:19 +0000

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