I am trying to rid myself of the hatred of this woman...its just - TopicsExpress


I am trying to rid myself of the hatred of this woman...its just not worth it. However, I saw on GMA yesterday the two moms who are part of the Open Letter to My daughters step-mom and it inspired me to write my own. Being a step-parent is harder than parenting your own children, its a thankless job and to have a bitter parent on the other end is the WORST!! I am sharing with all of you so if you know anyone who may be in a similar position or on the opposing end, maybe it will get some parnts to stop and think about their actions--the parents (my hubby included ;))choose to leave these children in their absense; a step-parent chooses to step-in and be there. Open Letter to my step-daughters’ Mother: I never wanted or wished for this. You simply were’t a part of my plan. You can bet that growing up and imagining my life with a husband a family, you were not in it. You can bet that I never imagined that I would become a mother for the the first time the day I married my husband but after nine hard, long months of creating a human, and gave birth to that child. You can bet that I didn’t imagine I would be taking some one elses daughter to meet all of her favorite Disney princess’s for the first time with her daddy, I imagined sharing that moment with my children and their daddy, but I did with dignity and pride and I cried from behind as She stood in amazement twirling her braid all 3 foot tall in front of Cinderellas Castle. You can bet that I never imagined coaching someone elses daughter for tot soccer with Her Daddy, but I did with joy ten times over as that was my sport! You can bet I will never stop loving that little girl or treating her anything less than if she were my own. I am certain that you didn’t plan for your life to be this way either. And I am certain that when you thought about a step-mother for your Daughter you hoped for a hideous, bitter and evil step-mother. I am not. Sorry. You welcome for I have helped your little button her jeans after potty and reenforced positive life skills when you could not be there. I have cut her food up and made sure she had her favorite things. I have not missed a girl scout ceremony, sporting event, Christmas Concert, Parent-Teacher Conference, book-fair/Special someone lunch or any other spectacular life moment of your little girl. I have held your sweet daughter when she was 3 years old and let her cry for you when she simply was too young to understand why you were not there. The same when she was 9 and you simply choose another path to walk. I have covered your helpless tracks too many times to count in the name of love for a little girls innocence. I read her bedtime stories when she was 5 because she thought I did a great job on all the Princess voices. I have taken her back-to-school shopping every year and made sure she had a new hair cut before school started. I could go on and on about the things big and small that you should be thankful for, that you didn’t ask for, that you didn’t tell me to do, that you simply take for granted; NOT every step-parent chooses to be present in their step-childrens life the way I have, the way I will always choose. I am facing the pre-teen girl years with fear and thoughts of how we just might screw up and you can’t pick up the other end of a ringing phone? But I believe God had a plan all along. I married my high school love, that was part of my dream. We have been blessed with beautiful babies of our own and a bond a love for one another that can be tested but never broken. I had a void in my heart filled with my step-daughter that I didn’t know was empty. We accept this life for what it is and enjoy this beautiful journey full of the unimaginable. We embrace the blessings of everyday being and the challenge of parenting and life. Life has not always been how I imagined it, but I accepted what was laid out for me, the bigger plan for my life. Its time you look at something larger than yourself. I have upheld my end of the deal, have you?
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 18:51:40 +0000

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