I am unable to publish the regular newsletter this week due to - TopicsExpress


I am unable to publish the regular newsletter this week due to server issues. My apologies. ~Gillian~ Mercury retrograde and technology issues seem connected by some hidden hand as insidious and real as the one plaguing 3D earth right now. Its been quite a wave of energy, one that gives credence to the 2 earth timelines thesis, the latest and most succinct version of which is presented by Karen Downing: Since 1987, there has in effect, been two Earths. The planets overlap in experience, but do occupy two different vibrational frequencies. Since that time, the “New Earth” or 5D Earth as many call it, has been shifting and moved up (or moved forward) in vibration, while the “Old Earth” or 3D Earth has remained in its same vibrational space. As of the writing of this message, these two Earths still share some overlap, but distance between vibrational states is continuing to grow and grow. Downing notes these overlapping timelines vary in vibrational rate, the heavier, denser frequencies held within the 3D plane and the lighter, faster vibratory rates in 5D. One apparent result of this 2-speed frequency overlay is altered perceptions and the experience of blinking in and out of 3D/5D from moment to moment. Take Syria, for example. According to the 2-earth thesis 3D earth is likely embroiled with war in Syria while 5D earth is not. The faster 5D frequency repulsed with ease the doom n gloom 3D pronouncements in support of murder for profit masquerading as war against some evil that didnt exist until warmongers created it. It seems the advantage of the faster 5D vibratory rate is less lag time in response to atrocious 3D ideas. The 5D No! NOT a good idea - go away vibe activates at lightning speed. By comparison, the decidedly demented 3D ideas suffer increased derailment due to timely exposure and collapsing.platforms (financial, media, and healthcare) from which to launch terror. So, where might you be along this 3D/5D energy continuum? Downing writes: . . . There are four major signs that you are in the 5D world. The first is that you are able to be completely detached from what is happening in the world. . . . Secondly, you find yourself to be invisible to others. This can be a physical invisibility when out running errands, driving, or interacting in public spaces, where people very nearly run into you. . . . Thirdly, your manifestation abilities become heightened. Your evidence of this is things showing up right when you need them (but not necessarily sooner). . . . Finally, you feel a peace that passes all understanding, a peace that inhabits every cell in your body, a feeling of peace with all that is, was, and will be. You have transcended the influence of the Ego. It still exists, and still talks to you, but you no longer listen to it! It will have been neutralized, because you will have worked through your past life inventory of patterns, emotions and beliefs. Because if you do not address the past life release portion of the Ascension process, then you are leaving within your essence ammunition for the Ego to use against you. As long as this ammunition exists, you will not be able to transcend the Ego’s influence. Once you reach this state of peace, you are in what is known as Universal consciousness, which is the state of being in 5D. Until next week, Gillian
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 16:52:02 +0000

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