I am undoubtedly a liberal. which means I m in almost total - TopicsExpress


I am undoubtedly a liberal. which means I m in almost total agreement with I LIke IKe Eisenhower Era Republican Party Platform. At seven years old I watched that 1952 convention with great scrutiny. And, the 1956 GOP convention as well. Who let the dogs out? Who let the crazies into the party. Ike told us. He beat the Nazis. I wish he were here to beat the enemies he stipulate in his quote. AS FOR My vote. Senator Mark Grisanti, Chris Jacobs(Promises Made/Promises Kept), I like the fact that he looks after we war veterans. When Legislator Betty Jean Grant honored us in front of the Legislature, Mr. Jacobs made sure I left countyr hall with a Veterans identity card. Thank you sir. I am voting for Andrew Cuomo and Kathy Hochul, Judge Carney who needs no endorsements and is running on the strength of his good character. In addition to that he does a dynamite job of singing Volare on line. A move as deft as President Bill Clinton doing his Saxophone Solo. My Mom Olga Martin is a real fan. As am I. All are Leaders with flair. He is a just and compassionate man with a sense of gravitas and fairness. Of course, Tim Kennedy and Sean Ryan. And, yes. Let us not forget Brian Higgins. After much thought I recommend The Herman Kahn (Thinking the Unthinkable) of the Heroin epidemic/plague> John Cahill. A SPECIAL MESSAGE FOR MY FRIENDS. Vote as an individual not a party aparachik. As Chief Justice Brandeis of SCOTUS said so eloquently before going to the U.S. Supreme CourtWhat I have desired to do is to make the people of Boston realize that the most important office, and the one which all of us can and should fill, is that of private citizen. The duties of the office of private citizen cannot under a republican form of government be neglected without serious injury to the public. GO OUT AND VOTE ON NOVEMBER 4. Sample ballot can be found on the following webpage. elections.erie.gov/
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 12:12:41 +0000

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