I am utterly amassed at how most of us want every thing proven - TopicsExpress


I am utterly amassed at how most of us want every thing proven with in the scriptures. Most people have not studied enuf to see the truth as it is placed before us. They can prove there truths that they desire to worship, the god that they have created and fashioned after there limited belief him. God teaches that he is the God of Truth, and those that worship him come fourth in the spirit of truth. As teachable little children ready and willing to submit to Truth. Submitting to truth is submitting to Christ. And you shall know the truth the truth shall set you free John 8:32. Living truth is where we receive that light of christ or more of that glorious light. As we continue in the receiving His truths he continues to give us of his light. Light and darkness can not dwell in the same thing, when light enters in darkness must flee away. This fleeing is obeying his Commend to be clean. The more light that we allow to enter into us the more that we are receiving Christ. This simple pattern of receiving truth and living that truth so that we can receive his light. Remember that His light removes darkness because it is the pure white light of the truth. Most of us have found many truths that seem almost impossible to attain. So we store that truth in the unattainable pile. That pile is kept fare away from us, so far away from us that we think is will never be able to be attained. This is where the faith of a mustered seed comes into effect. Only because that seed looks up and focuses upon that lofty goal of being clean through receiving light. He and She Looks up to God and receives the path of attainment through not looking away from God. The minuet that we look back to the world is that minuet that God gives us that thing that we are looking to that gift becomes the cursing that we need to grow to the next rung upon the latter of life. Look to God but keep your focus secure upon His never ending love and grace towards you. Remember that faith and fear are opposites, one your in the power and hands of God and the other your in the control of the advesary of God. Lets remove that control by focusing upon Gods unmatched power to heal. Look to those who have attained the full impact of the light of Christ. Like many of the prophets of old and modern times as well. This teaching of Christ is rittlie through out the scriptures as his prophets will be talking about the destruction that is about to come upon the earth and how Christs arms are out stretched to receive us when we turn and look unto him. As a father opens his arms as he neals down to receive his little child into his arms so dose Christ to receive us. Please remember we have learned a lot by then but we are still as little children unto him when we go into his arms go as that little child ready to learn and to submit to all thing that he is willing to inflict upon us. This humility is what is needed to bring us to the level that he needs us to be at in order to use us to our full capability. All other foundations that we had previous will be removed and we will begin the building upon the rock witch is truth and light. This building can be built fast or slow mattering on how willing we are to submit unto his will. The most basic principal that the scriptures teaches is to look unto Christ, Have faith and move in that direction of your faith by repenting of your sins on a daily or even hourly basis, you must continue this pattern until the natural man or woman no longer resides with in you. This is being born a gain to no longer to have the desire to sin but to desire to do good and be good continually. Some other other churches get this confused with what I like to call a rebirth in Christ. This rebirth happens when we turn unto Christ he turns unto us He takes us in but so often after that turning the recipient turns back to the world full of the pleasures of the natural man. Because Christ and God will always honor your gift of free agency he stands there beckoning us to come back. They will always honor your choice to do good or do bad, but within the bad choice there is always a consequence or a wonderful lesson to learn the effects of that pore choice. I like to call this the school of hard nocks, this school was established by God upon the foundations of the world. This school can be super seeded by parents with money and power. The super seeding of this will cause the down fall of the child. There is only one gift that you can truly give to God. God owns the world and every thing in it, yes including the elements that make up your body all though he has given you compleat surd ship over your body. He desires to dwell with us with in you, your temple witch is your body but God can not dwell in an unclean temple. That is why he has asked us to Be thou clean! So back to the only gift that you can give to God is to aline your will with his, do the things that he would do. Turn your desires to him and watch and see what he can do with that impact that you through him can and will have upon the world. Lift where you stand lift where you are, lift where you can. and when you do he will lift you as well, to his presence. May God bless your desire to be good and do good and bring about good. May we turn back to him and run back in to his loving embrace and receive from his goodness and mercy and grace. May God bless your righteous desires to do good and being about good. Tour bother and friend in Christ! Paul David White
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 13:48:38 +0000

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