I am walking along a road carrying a large sack of stones. These - TopicsExpress


I am walking along a road carrying a large sack of stones. These stones vary in size and weight. The stones represent losses, fears, griefs, sorrows. I am so weighed down by the weight of this sack. Recently, a boulder of loss and grief has been added to the sack and Im overwhelmed, nearly crushed by the weight of it. I cant move anymore. Im just here, on the path, pinned to the ground by this sack of stones. Someone, who has been walking on the path with me reaches down and put his hand on my shoulder. As I think about it, I realize hes been walking on this path with me for awhile, maybe for the whole time, but perhaps I just didnt always notice him? He says to me, “Im Jesus and I love you with an everlasting love and I want to carry that sack of stones for you. Will you give it to me?” “You want my sack of stones?” He answers me with the deepest sincerity, “Yes, I made you and created this whole universe and I can carry these for you. This world is broken and there is much pain but I am the savior of this world and I am your savior. I have redeemed this world and someday there will be no more stones, no more loss, no more grief, no more fear but in this in-between time – this time between me paying the price for your redemption and full restoration- I am with you and I will never leave you and I can carry that sack for you. That sack is unbearable for you but not if you give it to me. Also, I can go one step further, I can carry you.” “Really, youll carry me? I guess Im not getting very far here on my own. In fact, Im at a point now where I cant even crawl. And Im sooo tired. Im so very tired. You mean I could crawl up into your arms and you would carry me?” “Actually, just let me reach down and pick you up. Just let me do it.” “Um, okay. Yes, carry me and my sack.” “Ive got you. Just rest in my arms. Put your head against my chest, close your eyes and rest for now. Just trust me. Just rest and let me carry you for now. In time, maybe you can open your eyes and look around. In time, you will even be able to lift you head. I love you.”
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 17:27:02 +0000

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