I am wondering if there isnt something that needs to be examined - TopicsExpress


I am wondering if there isnt something that needs to be examined here. I posted something along these lines a few days back and my research tells me that there is way to much truth in what Major General Smedley Butler has to say. I dont think anyone of us would want our children to be used as pawns for foreign policy, the way war criminals like Kissinger assert. (Yes, he is wanted for war crimes, read his quote below, and he directed our foreign policy) If one reads the full article you may find yourself in agreement or disagreement with these concepts. My concern is that we commoners stay in good communication with and work things out with one another and put up a united front against our corporate/banker owner/abusers. Just now I am looking at a beautiful cloud dappled sky and chilling in the tropical paradise of my choice. I can enjoy life here...up to a point. I cant fully enjoy my life knowing that my fellow men do not have the same opportunities for fulfillment. Is it acceptable that the Rothschild Banking Family Dynasty, when taken as a whole, has a combined reliably estimated wealth of approximately 300 trillion (trillion not billion) dollars. They are the major share holders of the Federal Reserve bank along with the Rockefellers. When Congress or the Senate shut down the Federal Government until the debt limit is raised we are opening the door of foreclosure of the entire United States to Banker Class/Rothschild Rockefellers. This one or two families own us and half the world. How could it be that our nation is owned by the bank!? Are they so superior to us that they out worked and out produced us, this one or two familes, that they now own all our debt? They decide what our interest rates and levels of prosperity will be. It has been okay with them for billions of human beings to starve to death in Africa and elsewhere over the past 60 years of my lifetime. They could write a check at any time and set up an endowment where the interest alone could keep these people alive. Another check for another endowment and the interest could educate these people and bring them to self sufficient status. Obviously they choose not to. Little by little they are coming for you/me/us now. They want your food stamp money and they are coming for your social security, and your social programs and they use the newspapers they own to blame the blacks and the immigrants and the gays and the Christians and the terrorists they fund for our problems. These are my thoughts and I appreciate any supporting comments and I hope no one wants to fight tooth and nail over this. Just lets all get along on this. It is our well being, our happiness and lives, being threatened. The perps (bankers/social elites/corporate board members,etc.) will ride all this out in their jetliners and castles. I dont think any of us want to be struggling with one another when the truth of the matter is that we have been duped all along. Best my friends, going to water the plants just now, we should all have such peace. We deserve it...we are mankind...isolate the psychopaths and sociopaths.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 21:47:03 +0000

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