I am writing a status today for me and no one else. Late Saturday - TopicsExpress


I am writing a status today for me and no one else. Late Saturday night early Saturday morning I had decided that I was at the end of my rope. It was time for me not to be a burden anymore. So I went into my mothers room and kissed her on the forehead and said goodbye. However I still had to make the last few phone calls to tell the ones who are important to me goodbye and that it wasnt there fault. So there I sat on my front porch texting people and leaving voice mails. I talked to my father which didnt make since considering just how terrible our relationship is as that conversation ended three of my closest friends were blowing my phone up. In that moment that I answered, they bought enough time to somehow have my mother wake up and find everything out. So today Im glad that Im still here and that in some ways to somebody Im not a worthless piece of shit and Im not a burden that Im very much wanted. But for those of you who have ever told me Im not good enough, or that Im going to be a nobody or to anyone that has denied me, today you are forever cut from my life and I only wish pain and suffering on you. Sunday morning I was saved by my band...people I consider family..i have known them for 7 months and I will always love that family. There are people in my life that Ive known for years that wouldnt have left their house at 3 in the morning to make sure that I was still alive and to tell me everything will be okay. So I owe my life to a few people. Thank you all very much.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 20:01:33 +0000

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