I am writing on Monday, June 9, 2014 at 11:14 p.m. This morning I - TopicsExpress


I am writing on Monday, June 9, 2014 at 11:14 p.m. This morning I traveled via train (Metro Rail) to Downtown Miami where I picked up copies a lawsuit I filed in 2009, a protest to bid on the consolidated book of transit maps and schedules. Those documents, I believe, were stolen by a hospital in 2012 and I needed the file and the commendation letters that serve as proof of my transportation work, its scope and individuals who have commented on it and are aware of it. miamidade.gov/info/emergency.asp en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miami-Dade_Metrorail My mother took me in her car from Kendall to the Downtown Dadeland train station where I then used the Metro Rail to go to downtown Miami. On the way there I met an accountant who, upon sharing of conversation with me, said I could visit him when I went to Miami if I needed a place to stay and that he wouldnt mind sharing with me a little bit about basic accounting and that he wouldnt mind being friends. He is a very dark black man with a wide nose and skin that seems to have suffered from relatively acne, as my skin has. He was a very kind man and I trusted him right away. He relays he received his Bachelors Degree from Temple University. His name is Marvin and his e-mail is marvin@futureenlightenment. His cellular phone number is 786-328-5592. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_University Upon arrival downtown I went to the Federal Courthouse where I was told I could not carry electronics inside the building and they did not have a holding area for cellular phones or cameras, so I had to bury the recording device and camera I use underneath mulch by a palm tree while I went upstairs to retrieve records. I ordered two (2) copies of the file and then went to have lunch at a restaurant downtown named Granny Feel Goods. I had a split pea soup, fresh beet-apple juice, an avocado sandwich with cheddar cheese and for dessert a carrot cake. It was pleasant. I did not communicate properly to the waitress and ordered too many smoothies and could not finish the berry smoothie. grannyfeelgoods/ I then went walking downtown where I visited the Herbalife Club and had tea with Aloe Vera Juice. I may order Herbalife to lose weight and find some energy. Margarita Ms. Betancur is the sales associate and she said to contact her via cellular phone at 305-303-2323 or via e-mail at Mabeta2009@hotmail. The shake, protein shake, aloe juice and tea is approximately $160 +/-. I will have to save up for that. I do recall feeling much energy when I drank Herbalife daily. I then was directed to a home for disabled people that would cost me 30% of my income, $270.00 per month in rent. It would be a very small studio. They are called the Royalton Apartments and is located in downtown Miami in a not-so-good area but the rent is fine and it is near the buses. For information and the application I am to contact the leading office after hours - (305)-547-1367 or (305) 547-2244. I then walked to the Marshalls downtown, a store for female clothing. I bought two long skirts and a peel for my skin that was on sale. The store is like a hand-me-down store that takes products that are not sold at their first retail location. My skin is not doing well and as I get older, it is sagging and the holes from the acne scars I had are more noticeable. I cannot afford a facial so I opted to purchase something for my skin. I must remind myself to save money to see Dr. Hevia in Miami or Dr. Brandt for a skin consultation and I have to find a dentist for a dental cleaning. I feel a great emptiness. I dont find much to keep me filled with bubbly joy. On my To Do List are tasks as follows: #1 Contact Fernando N. Perez, a real estate agent and financier who said he was interested in hekping finance walking cities, bridges, tunnels and apartment buildings and/or gardens on top of supermarkets that would link with surrounding suburbs. I had met him approximately two weeks ago at St. Josephs Catholic Church in Lakeland, Florida. his e-mail is fnpcommercial@hotmail and his e-mail address is Titanfinancialcommercial. I have to connect him with Jorge Perez, the Cuban developer, Donald Trump and others in the construction world. I have to develop a methodology for filing a lawsuit against governments for breach of fiduciary duties and social responsibility with regard to walking cities. #2 Contact Dr. James Belarmino regarding my testimony on drinking one liter of cranberry juice daily in clearing my urinary tract from what seemed like coagulated fat and lithium. Dr. James Belarmino works for Watson Clinic in Lakeland and said I should put that together for him for his review, as well as my suggestion for auxiliary treatments for cancer and the cloth that exfoliates. jbelarmino@watsonclinic #3 I have to find a small studio that I can live in on the beach when my lease is over in Lakeland or when I decide to leave Lakeland before my lease is over in December. There is a real estate agent named Larry who said he might be able to provide a listing for apartments that will cost me $750 per month. His phone number is (305) 457-6500. #4 I have to contact John Gaudet, an author and ecologist who drafted a book on Papyrus. I could not afford the book but he was speaking about the use of this plant for paper and how it is good for the environment. fieldofreeds. Contact him about paper supply for your book. #5 Draft letter to LEpicerie Founder at Chocolate Factory and Uppercrust Bakeries about helping with Publix Supermarkets and suggesting possible merger of Publix Supermarkets with Wild Oats or Whole Foods (Or at the every least sharing of business plans). Jacquelines croissaint recipe needs to be documented. #6 Follow-up with law firms in Lakeland that were interested in learning about my transportation project. #7 Write to Horace Insurance and Warren Buffet about transforming high school parking lots into gardens (saving lives and on insurance payouts from accidents) #8 Draft correspondence regarding mandatory recycling all over the world and making it illegal to throw things away without accounting for its end use and recycling. Cite plastic as a food security issue. #9 Write to Queen Elizabeth about the issue with Black Irish and racism in Ireland and England and Australia and how that destabilizes world security. #10 Follow-up letter to Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkal and United States Military. Refer them to Attorney Christopher Wadsworths table of authorities to document legal precedents and cases and also his legal document management system that the international community needs to address their back-and-forth dialogue for future reference. Address the table that I drafted for Rincon Law Group. See if you can find it in your e-mail from several years ago or if its in your Flash drive. #11 Write to David Pacouz and his friend Alex and see if next time you are in Miami you an visit him at the Bathhouse. David@mybeatbuddy. (He seems very distant, very reserved and he didnt seem very fond of me, but document him in case you would like to speak with someone, but likely he wont see you again). #12 Write to homeless man Santiago and ask mom if she can pay for his train ticket to Lakeland so that he can stay at Talbots House. He has been homeless for several months after being in an automobile accident. santiago0117@gmail. Talk to Dr. Tony about admitting him. #13 Write to Puerto-Rico about lifeline for Puerto-Ricans and need for homeless shelters and emergency funds for Puerto-Ricans in the United States who find themselves homeless. Write more about Puerto-Rico. huffingtonpost/manuel-r-de-juan/why-puerto-rico-is-the-mo_b_5461819.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592# #14 Write to Government regarding idea of subsidizing hotels and motels for people on social security who are waiting for apartments or Section 8 Housing. Instead of being homeless, the United States Government should simply pay half of their bill at a motel or hotel that is participating so that they have a place to sleep. It will also help keep motels in business and keep people off the streets. Many times Section 8 Housing has waiting lines. #15 Introduce Florida Refuse to Russia and to Miami. #16 Develop idea regarding laws limiting food miles and indoor gardens for basics such as greens and strawberries #17 Organize flash drive and documents in filing system #18 Go to Food Bank at St. Josephs Catholic on Tuesdays - Thursdays 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. #19 Write to Social Security and ask why they reduced your social security from $1037 to $937 +/- #20 Make appointment with Rigoberto Rodriguez #21 Find a dentist in Lakeland for cleaning that accepts Medicare/Medicaid/PUP #22 Write about your stay in Miami, thoroughly, so that you can process your time here #23 Write to pope and my churches with ideas about improving Catholic Church - deposits for identification, bank statements, important documents. #24 Expand on idea documenting sermons, transcribing all sermons and having a website where scholars can review sermons, hear them and write about them. #25 Follow-up on idea that Jewish people should evacuate Israel and turn it into a museum and University Campus - for peace. Jewish people should move to Miami and as for any emergencies, they should simply have a website where they can document people who will open their homes and the wealthy Jews who can transport them immediately to safe havens around the world. #26 Write to men involved in Human Trafficking Operation at dreamgreen #27 Expand on idea that all religions should be practical and focus on basic needs and desires. #28 Expand on Publix changing its name to The Language of a Garden #29 Expand on the idea of sod filled with seeds that is laid out. #30 Expand on idea of a project that concentrates on filling with compost deserts and arid lands and farmlands that have been used up. #31 Return the dress that had a hole in it to River Island Clothing Company in the United Kingdom. #32 Expand on idea of creating class that teaches about sewing and a class on music ethics and the textile and fashion industry culture #33 Follow-up with Esther Vega on the Paralegal Program #34 Follow-up on idea that all police car designs need to change - human rights issue, cruel and unusual punishment, psychological abuse #35 Follow-up with Attorney Geragos and Chris Brown and Justin Bieber on helping finance lawsuit against federal government outlawing solitary confinement and current design of prisons, transferring all prisoners to penal colonies where they can run and play and write and work on farms. #36 Draft list of priorities the military should concentrate on - and new mode of operation and a new list of priorities and flags that they should look for when trying to organize or assess a situation #37 Follow-up on Tea Tree Oil for Vaginal Products / Hygiene #38 Draft formal correspondence on Machen Law #39 Draft correspondence on how starving of people should be illegal. All subsidized supermarkets should provide a certain percentage of free food to beggars. #40 address how our language are not practically centered and not developed properly. #41 Find maps of links to how language is masonry oriented and needs improvement. #42 Recalling cars - all cars need to have latches on back of window in case the computer fails or the window is locked - safety hazard. Cite number of cases where people are locked in cars and suffocate inside. #43 Make a list of songs for Callum and the family #44 Immigrant - contract - etiquette #45 Expand on why paralegal program needs to be included as curriculum in High Schools and why etiquette classes also need to be introduced in high school curriculum in the United States and all around the world. #46 Draft letter to Governor Rick Scott asking for a change in law that currently only permits nurses access to provide patients with pedicures. This will be an open market for pedicurists and manicurists who are currently not allowed to provide pedicures to patients in case the have diabetes. Patient simply needs to draft a hold harmless agreement and massage therapists also need access to patients. This is an open market and a great opportunity for those out of work to find people who genuinely need to be touched. #47 Expand on ideas of Kinkos in Russia and Michaels in Russia, stationary stores and Pen Pal Programs #48 Draft correspondence to Sinead OConnor regarding racism towards the Black Irish for their skin color, eye color and supposed Spanish heritage. #49 Follow-up with letter to Counseling Ministry of South Florida - education in prisons, writing, biography #50 Draft letter to Attorney Patrick Montoya and the Paralegal Program and Counseling Ministry of South Florida regarding idea for going out to Bail Bonds and gathering information about prisoners and hooking them up with paralegals, attorneys, gathering biographies and from there creating a health plan for the and a thorough biography for an attorneys file. That is an opportunity to heal, assess, their literacy and transition them to teachers, ministers and attorneys. Should be a federally run program through the churches. #51 Try to learn a little bit about plumbing #52 Draft letter regarding Identity of Europe and human trafficking, the Catholic Church and what happens when there is not a detailed approach to the church ministry and in its place is the luxury of idols and sacraments as bulky ritualized ideas. #53 List basic manufacturing aristocracies and schools that can help bridge those transport miles #54 Learn about seed collection #55 Composting laws #56 Defend Cheyenne Pagorias mother #47 Law - when you are taken to a hospital, you have the right to contact up to 45 attorneys, not just one - some on federal grant money - propose that idea. Also, when you are arrested (contact via e-mail, automatic e-mail to attorney son list and via telephone). #48 Try to remember to dance the Tango and Salsa and see if you cant find some more mobility doing that. #49 CONTACT AT COUNSELING MINISTRY OF SOUTH FLORIDA Man interested in learning about prison ministry ideas Andrew Pocock [email protected] [email protected] Cellular Phone: 954-882-6462 He can help write grants for funding to help people in prison. Shared with him writing on seizure disorder. #50 Address how we need to make more complex our understanding of how the built an natural worlds affect us and teach us and how they correlate to language. #51 Write about why Madoff might be innocent and Jesse Jacksons son #52 Transition metaphors to plants. #53 Dance Studios around the world #54 Write about how culinary schools need to be subsidized, lower prices. #55 Expand more on how to heal bipolar disorder #56 Write on Muzak and Shazam - music playing and downloading programs. #57 Write on the intellectually numbing effect of luxury #58 Work on Project Collecting / Transcribing Sermons and laws regarding confessions Identification back-up, Catholic Church #59 Contact Church where Whitney Houstons Funeral was held: New Hope Baptist Church, Newark, New Jersey #60 Write on improvement to twitter - folders for various categories #61 Composting Project and Laws Regarding Food Miles #62 Expand on Tango and World War II #63 Amend death, undertakers, funeral homes #64 Lawsuit DBCD against cities for walking cities should be a class action lawsuit and also based on breach of fiduciary responsibilities #65 Write to Horace Mann, have to look him up. #66 Draft correspondence to Callum #67 Draft correspondence to Don notifying him I cannot take care of him in his old age and if he thinks his daughter is so wonderful to him and such a wonderful person, why doesnt she take care of him? #68 Draft heart-felt letter to Jewish people and to the Rothschilds regarding Davids love for me. A formal goodbye.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 04:26:19 +0000

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