I am writing this article today because I am really SICK & TIRED - TopicsExpress


I am writing this article today because I am really SICK & TIRED of hearing people WHINE about their lives. Constantly talking about how they hate waking up and driving to work...Repeatedly complaining about how other people are the reason they are not successful...Continuously stressing over their BILLS and not having enough money to support themselves. As I stated so many times before...LIFE doesnt have to be so difficult. We live in a new age...with new values, new traditions & standards...and most of all...NEW technology (which provides us all an alternative way to make money. WAKE UP, FOLKS! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU??? - People are now able to generate full time incomes from their computers. Not only are they becoming affiliates and marketing other peoples products and services...but even creating their own and having others promote and close sales for them. I specialize in Internet Marketing, as most of you may know. Its how I make my living...but its not a get rich quick thing (as some tend to think). It requires TIME & PATIENCE...it takes the same amount of work (if not MORE) than it does to operate ones own Brick & Mortar business. You also need the right system in place in order to live the life you dream about. Heres something you might not be aware of: The Marketing industry has been through many changes over the years. Before the 1950s all you needed for marketing was a nice looking poster plastered on every corner and someone with a really big mouth, a soap box helped too. Since then though Marketing has changed dramatically. It started with getting an ad in the black and white newspaper, then into those fancy color magazines. Things got even better when those nifty sound boxes called radios came into every house in America. Television turned Marketing into the Powerhouse industry it is today. Hmmmmmm... So why did I just waste your time with that brief and maybe a little funny history of Marketing? Well, its because you need to know where you come from to know where you are going...especially when you are locked into a J-O-B (just over broke) where YOU allow someone else to dictate how much you are WORTH, when you work, or if you continue to work at all. I, personally, like to be the one in control of my OWN destiny. This is the New Age, and the next thing that revolutionizes your ability to generate income is already here. The birth of the Internet and its adaptation into almost every home in America has brought about this revolution in Marketing. Of course Im telling you something you already know...lol...since the advent of Facebook, LinkedIn, and various other social media...you knew about the marketing change that was coming. The question is though, are you really taking full advantage of what this revolution can bring to you. As with most of the changes in the Marketing industry, the newest strategies are under utilized. People are still using old methods that used to work, but fail to deliver in todays market. People are still publishing ads in Magazines, Phone Books, and even Newspapers! When was the last time you picked up a newspaper and said I think Ill call these people I saw in the paper...lol. Hell, when was the last time you picked up a Newspaper? Why would you waste money on something that more and more people are not reading and not spend it on your website, or social media platform? With print ads there is limited space, with the best going to the highest bidder. TV ads have limited time in a day and the prime-time ads go to the highest bidder, radio has the same problem. This is bad news for Small Businesses who cant compete with the crazy budgets that large corporations have for marketing. The opportunity I am bringing to you today is much more open than it ever was before. You can reach thousands of potential customers on social media with a few clicks and 100 characters. You can get more visitors to your site in 1 week than you can to a physical store in 1 month. The best part about this is that the people that pay for ads on search engines end up getting skipped, the internet is the one place where being the highest bidder doesnt translate into more business. Sure it can help, but good content, frequent updates, and engaging posts on social media are worth more than gold in the Online Marketing world. It is probably the best thing to happen to Small Businesses in a long time. Why? Because on the internet...the small guy can actually beat the big business as long as they do the right things, have the right mindset, and have the right team. Small Businesses dont need to out spend their competitors, they just need to show that they do it better. A short time ago, I was introduced to a young man by the name of Devon Brown. Since making his acquaintance, I have learned so much more about the Internet Marketing arena. Combined with his expert knowledge...and the experience level he brings to the table, I have been able to create a SUBSTANTIAL impact on my business. Devon is highly educated, very articulate, and moreover...a REALLY great guy! Are you tired of the Rat Race? Is trying this and trying that simply wearing you thin? Do you wish to finally settle down with the opportunity of a LIFETIME and live the way you choose to live (without jumping from one thing to another every month or so)? Today, we are offering to join forces with you. If, by chance, this is something which may be of interest to you...then PLEASE allow us to help you break the chains of your 9-5 slavery and introduce you to a world that can truly give you what you desire. And as always...if there is anything I can do to assist you, please dont hesitate to reach out to me: Contact.ClintonALewisJr Clinton A. Lewis Jr.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 15:50:23 +0000

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