I am writing this to get it off my chest; maybe a confession, I - TopicsExpress


I am writing this to get it off my chest; maybe a confession, I dont know. How sad it is when others need your help and youre unable to help (nor even have a genuine hearts desire necessarily) because you yourself need help. You cannot give what you dont have. The only true help you can give others is the love of God in Christ - and that could be expressed through various actions depending on the particular need. But it is always Gods love that truly ministers to someones heart; not the action itself. If you dont have Gods love, youre only giving empty words or empty acts of kindness. The person needing your help is really needing much more than that - they are crying out from their hearts for true love that is only found in Jesus Christ. If youre not abiding in Him, how will you give to others? The branch can do nothing of itself. I sometimes wish to have a separate Facebook account/profile where I could be more personally expressive about my emotions; be more transparent without having to worry about misrepresenting Christ to the world or stumbling other Christians. To simply be a human who needs Christs help rather than this strong Christian whos got it all under control. To have a Facebook account that isnt so much for ministry as it is for personal expression. And I sometimes wish to run away into another world in which I dont have to pretend to be ANYTHING other than what I truly am or how I am feeling, WITHOUT having to WORRY about stumbling others or leading them into sin. A world where there is liberty to have the joy of discovery without having to fear the consequences my emotional confessions/expressions, actions or choices may cause the stumbling of others - an environment where the concept of sin is completely absent. A place in which I could just do the things that my heart desires to do without having these things offending God or hurting the Lord or grieving the Holy Spirit. A world where I dont have to be strong in faith for my brethren. A life that is less about intellectual knowledge of the Truth and more about experiential discovery of living in Him and knowing Him - and that usually happens through learning from our mistakes rather than relying on our strength and trying hard to stay on the narrow way.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 08:19:34 +0000

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