I am writing this to you who are going through tests by fire and - TopicsExpress


I am writing this to you who are going through tests by fire and floodwaters. Its only been 3 years since God gave me the grace to be Born Again in the Spirit yet I feel I have learned more than I ever had in the 43 pre-Christ years of my life on how to REALLY live and love. To say the last 3 years have been trying is a nice way to say my life and my family have been under massive attack since the day we became Christians. In the natural, it may even seem as if Gods promises are lies as far as we are concerned. However, THAT is the lie :-) There is no great testimony without a great test and I know we as Christians (all of us, not just us!) are living epistles and God is writing love stories through our lives. Hold on and hold fast. Keep turning the page as God is not done yet. However, be encouraged in knowing that in the end, we win. I cannot even begin to tell you how much the enemy has fired big guns on us especially this year. He has tried to kill me every avenue possible and while he has not succeeded in putting me down for good, I have to admit he succeeded in delaying me big time because I have not done as the LORD told me. Today God reminded me why He impressed me to meditate on Joshua 1:9 at the first hour of January 1st. This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success. Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:8, 9 AMP) So many times this year I have said to the LORD, No LORD, not me for I am not fit to do what you asked me to do. Let someone else more qualified do it. Even as I sing Oceans, I Give Myself Away, and I Surrender, I gave in to the fear of failure so I backed away from the major assignments God prepared for me. Instead of meditating on Gods Word alone, I put myself in the equation so I saw things through my tainted lenses instead of Gods perfect vision. Instead of doing the impossible (for me ) things that God ask me to do for Him, I got busy in doing good works NOT God works to convince myself I am serving Him. Sure I am serving Him. Except that is not how He want me to serve Him so I am still missing the mark... I have not allowed Gods perfect will to manifest in my life so I am sinning through disobedience :-(( It seems I was just bathing on the. Word of the LORD but failed to eat and drink it... I wonder how many of us are just like me... If you are, do not be discouraged. Read how Peter not just disobeyed but disowned Jesus yet God not only forgave him but promoted him. Why? Because God looks at our hearts not just our actions and our speech. By the way, dont kick yourself and think it will make God feel better if we do. He taught me that this morning when Jeri broke my communion cup accidentally and I got so frustrated and sad because he refused to graciously accept my forgiveness but instead beat up himself with condemnation and guilt. Read John 19 and see how Jesus did not even chastised Peter for denying Him. Instead, Jesus asked Peter about the condition of his heart then gave him the assignment to feed my sheep and made him the lead disciple of His people (Jews, not Gentiles - Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles NOT Peter). Anyways, my point is if you are like me, get up and dust yourself. God has not given up on us. He knew when we will fail, how, and why. It is all part of our bootcamp training to prepare us for our assignments ahead. And btw, inspite all the tests, I have never been happier and more at peace :-) Sure I have brief moments of weakness but thank God they do not last! God has taught me through experience what it is to have peace that surpasses human understanding. He has also given me the joy of the LORD where I can draw unfailing strength. I dont talk so much about my tests because that gives the enemy the spotlight. Know this however, for those of you in great pain - I know where you are so when I try to encourage you, I am not seeing the world through pink lenses. I know what I am talking about when I tell you that God can not only see you through but WILL see you through if you put your trust in Him. He will hide you under His wings even as the storm rages around you. Trust. Pray. Receive.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 15:20:00 +0000

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