I ancient days people hated the Gnostics who told then NOT to make - TopicsExpress


I ancient days people hated the Gnostics who told then NOT to make IMAGES of Jesus Christ hanging on a cross which was dangling around their necks and making large statues of GOD haning on a cross and Bleeding in the Crucifixtion with nails through hands and feet and a Crown of thorns on his head, the BOWING DOWN to a statue. Were they right or were they wrong? Are we right today when still functioning upon that level and even bowing down and Praying to the Virgin Mary in the R.C Church? Are we RIGHT as Kabbalists when doing Tarot Card readings for money and where do the people GET their information from related to the Tarot Cards? Read Lev.20:4 related to the death sentence from GOD unto they who PROFANES my most Holy NAME. And the soul that turns away after such as have familiar spirits abd after wizards (Tarot card readers) to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against such a people and will cut him off from amongst his people. We are not to have TATOOS either as in Lev. 19:28 to make any MARKS on our bodies. See also Lev 26:1. Deutr. 4:16. Thou shalt not make theee any graven IMAGE or any LIKENESS of ANY thing that is in the HAVEN or on the earth or in the waters under the earth. This means we are PROHIBITED from making Jesus on the CROSS into an image having to be worshipped and this is what the Gnostics taught us and we still spit on today. Deutr. 4:15-18. We are NOT to make any carved or molten image in the form of ANY Figure male or female, ever and this is what we do and spit in the face of God. I can write an entire BOOK on this issue of IMAGE MAKING. In South AFRICA I laid a CHARGE of Blasphemy against the South African Broadcasting Corporation and the TV where American Films are screened insisting that Jesus Christ is a Mother F-----g Whore and a child of a whore etc etc and submitted my charge to the OMBUDSMAN Professor van Rooyen the JUDGE in Charge and he held the case in abstentia telling me in writing that it is NOT BLASPHEMY to call GOD by such names and that it is merely a PROFANITY. A watered down profanity. Obviously he does not KNOW GOD or the Bible as His word. Look at Lev. 20:3-4. AND I WILL SET MY FACE AGAINST THAT MANAND CUT HIM OFF FROM AMONGST HIS PEOPLE BECAUSE HE HAS GIVEN HIS SEED TO MOLECH TO DEFILE MY SANCTUARY (THE BODY) AND TO PROFANE MY MOST HOLY NAME. WHO IS SO BLIND AND FOOLISH AND IGNORANT AS TO NOT SEE THE ESSENCE OF THE MATTER IN THESE WORDS? iT IS THE head judge, PROF. jOHAN VAN ROOYEN. Who can deny this passage and the curse of god on such now profaning his most holy name?
Posted on: Fri, 14 Feb 2014 05:39:28 +0000

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