I apologize for neglecting this site today. I asked that Brandi - TopicsExpress


I apologize for neglecting this site today. I asked that Brandi post this mornings update. Honestly, I just needed to take a breather. I, as well as Brandi and much of our other immediate family have been so bombarded with people reaching out that I spent most of the day running interference on that playing field. I have also taken over care of their daughter Rylee as of this morning. Adding her to my already crazy clan has my head kinda spinning!😳. So thanks for allowing me some time to decompress. First, before I even update you all on Jamies health, I need to take a moment and just flood you with thanksgiving. We cant even wrap our minds around the goodness that has been bestowed on our family. If we tried every moment of every day for a lifetime we would fall short of thanking you for your generosity. I knew that Jamie had some pretty awesome friends (I already KNOW he has a pretty rocking family, wink...wink...) but I had no idea the lengths you guys have been willing to go to show your support. You guys are AMAZING!!! Multiple fundraisers are up and running and you guys are handling those like pros! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! So, onto Jamie...today things have been pretty calm. Biggest challenge that today brought was pain issues. He is on IV Dilaudid and still has pain on a scale of 7-8 out of 10. The most pain is obviously coming from his facial area but he also has many other spots that are painful. Most notably is a large laceration on his leg and an area on his foot where the skin is peeled completely back. He is also struggling with pretty bad chest pain stemming from the bruised lungs. The doctors ordered that he start on an incentive spirometer today. This is a device that stretches the lungs. It forces him to exercise and keep his lungs clear. This is painful and no fun but its very important for him to begin to take deep breaths again rather than just shallow breathing. He is still on oxygen just to help keep his blood fully saturated with oxygen since he isnt breathing very deep. His sats are good on room air but with the oxygen he is getting an extra boost. The pain meds are taking the edge off but he isnt comfortable by any stretch. The tentative plan for tomorrow is to begin to tweak the pain meds and try to get him on oral pain medicine. He cant be released with IV meds so they have to make this transition before he can go. I look for this to be pretty cruddy for him because the oral pain meds just arent quite as fast acting or as powerful as the IV ones. But its gotta be done. He is being a pretty good patient. We have even seen a little of his silly spirit emerge for brief moments. Like today, when Brandi assured the nurse she could get him to swallow a pill and Jamie accused Brandi of trying to kill him with it. They are forcing him to get up some and PT walked him a little today. He also took a much needed shower with the help of his lovely wife. He sat in the shower for quite some time because the hot water felt so good on his aches and pains. They were able to wash all of the old blood and grime off so that alone made him feel slightly human again. Just keep praying guys. We love you all and again just pour out our humble gratitude. God has laid it on your hearts to be so kind to our family and to Him be the glory!!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 02:35:15 +0000

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