I apologize for not updating after Kevin’s last treatment. It - TopicsExpress


I apologize for not updating after Kevin’s last treatment. It was a HARD treatment on him physically and mentally this time. I guess with all the change moving our treatment to Dallas, we seemed to see the gravity of the situation and having to do something that NOBODY wants to do. He stayed down pretty much all week. He had a lot of nausea, and absolutely no energy from Monday – Thursday. We have realized keeping a normal routine is important to our mental health in the course of treatment. With the big weather change the day after his chemo treatment I wanted him to stay home and work. I was thinking we could do a little work, watch a movie, eat whatever sounded good to him etc. In theory it was a great idea but it threw us off as far as what we “normally” do each week. I think that is why we both had such a bad week as far as the mental mind game goes. On Friday Kevin was able to go into work for the first time that week and attend a meeting and work all day. For that we were grateful. God has blessed our family with so many friends that just continue to bless us. One of those families blessed Kevin with a trip to just get away from everything for a couple of days. This energized him both physically and mentally and this last week has been AWESOME!!! We have been “normal” for the last 9 days and I cannot tell you how happy that makes me. We go for Round 4 tomorrow at 9:30 AM. We have never been this far in treatment so this is unchartered territory going forward for us. Here are a few ways to pray for us specifically: 1. Pray this treatment doesn’t have the physical effects that the last one did on Kevin. Pray the side effects (nausea, pulsing in his eyes, hot and cold and extreme fatigue) are at the least a minimum. 2. Pray for our appointment at 8:30 in the morning with the Geneticist. We need clear direction on comprehension on how all of that works. 3. Pray for me as I have been given the “green light” to remove Kevin’s pump on Wednesday. With me being able to do this it’s going to save us a trip to Dallas for a 10 minute apt. Pretty sure Kevin is WAY more nervous that I am: Thankful to RN’s that we know that are willing to come and make sure I don’t accidently do something that takes us to the emergency room. 4. Pray Kevin will be able to enjoy Thanksgiving Day as that is usually the WORST day for him after a treatment. We are blessed to have my whole family (my parents, sister’s family and brother’s family) come and do EVERYTHING for us. Kevin and I are so humbled and grateful for our family to trek to our house so he can be comfortable. 5. Pray for the mental part of this battle. Pray Kevin doesn’t focus on how much energy he doesn’t have and can look at it from the point of view that it is killing the disease inside him. Pray for me as the spouse who has no idea the physical toll it takes on him and to be sensitive to his “moods”. The week of the last treatment was not a good week for me mentally. It is so easy to go to a very dark place along this journey but it isn’t one I can visit I learned last week. I know that there will be frustrating days ahead, days I am scared, days I am angry and days I am celebrating miracles. Pray we are able to focus on God’s faithfulness to us each and every day. May we never take that for granted. 6. Pray for our kids that God will use this journey to draw them closer to the Creator of the Universe and Ultimate Healer so that they will look back on this time and can see that what the enemy meant for evil God will turn to good. I want to see them trust God literally for their very next breath, day, week, year etc. I want them to see their parents live out “what trusting God looks like” every step of this journey. Satan will be attacking them at every corner telling them “if God really loves you he wouldn’t allow this to happen to your dad”. Our prayer is that when this question comes to them they know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God is Sovereign in the best of times and in the worst of times. As believers we will travel BOTH of these roads in this earthly life but in EVERY circumstance to remember that He is never caught off guard and our ultimate goal is to bring JOY and HONOR to our Lord Jesus Christ. We have been blessed with 2 of the best kids I know. They bring us ABSOLUTE joy and are clearly the best of both of us for sure. As a mom I struggle with not wanting them to deal with this as an 18 and almost 16 year old. I want them to not have to worry about their dad and what will happen at the next Drs. Appointment or even what happens after chemo. As I type this God is reminding me that he is in control of ALL of this and most important he cares more about Caleb and Rebekah than Kevin and I ever could. What an encouragement that is to me!!! Thank you all for reading this wordy and lengthy update on Kevin. I wanted to share specifics and I also wanted to share my heart. We are so blessed to call you family and covet your prayers, texts, scriptures that God has laid on your hearts to share, meals, etc. We pray you all have a blessed Thanksgiving with family. Feeling VERY thankful this Thanksgiving!!!! Kevin and Cindy
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 03:41:03 +0000

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