|| I apologize in advance for the length of this post. - TopicsExpress


|| I apologize in advance for the length of this post. o.o Haunted House-- Entry #7 ~~ One Step Closer Still slightly panting from her wet escape from the last room, Sophia kept reminding herself. The only way to get out is to go in. She wiped away a lingering tear from the corner of her eye and turned the knob to this mysterious door. She barely had time to get her feet across the threshold when the door ripped itself from her grasp and slammed with brute force behind her. Just as she was tempted to turn, to kick the doorknob off if she had to, already regretting her decision to enter the room, a faint path appeared before her. A table seemed to have grown from the dirt beneath her feet and it held but two objects. A sword and a note. What could possibly be in this room that she would need a sword in order to defeat. A sinking feeling settled itself in her stomach as she picked up the parchment and unrolled it. Blood red fingerprints stained its faded shape and she was able,with a bit of effort to make out its instructions. Welcome to my maze. If you want to find the key, if you want to get out alive, three riddles you must solve, or else you wont survive. A question is asked by a demon or two, mythological creatures seeking a soul to rue. Think carefully before you answer, youre only given one chance, for if you answer wrong, Ill do a victory dance. A maze? Riddles? she groaned. Sophia had very little energy left and she was almost positive she wouldnt have the energy to decipher riddles let alone navigate her way through a maze. After placing the tattered note back on the table, Sophia gripped the sword tightly and began willing her feet to trudge along, her palms were sweaty as the eerie breeze blew through the hedges of the maze. She furrowed her brows as she rounded the first corner--wait, did that note say something about mythical creatures? The thought consumed her as she kept moving thinking that going straight would be her best bet for now, that way if she had to turn back, it wouldnt be as confusing. A las, she hit her first dead end. It was bound to happen. The blonde sighed and turned on her heel, ready to head back down the path and take the turn shed previously avoided. No more than a moment after shed turned the dirt before her began to swirl and out of it rose a very large, /very/ angry looking Cockatrice. This thing looked like a two legged scaly dragon with a Roosters head. Sophia instinctively swiped at it with her sword, the creature was displeased and snapped its beak at her in a threatening manner. Taking its head back, the strange thing before her blew out a large amount of fire--that turned slowly into the words of her first riddle: I have no feet to dance. I have no eyes to see. I have no life to live, and yet I do all three. What am I? Sophia stared at the words as long as she could before they faded and she replayed them in her head a few times. Her knuckles were white from her deathly grip on the sword and the Cockatrice, squawked with impatience. Mumbling to herself, Sophias eyes lit up a bit when she looked upward to meet the gaze of the creature. Fire. I am fire! she said, earning herself a disgruntled snort from the creature as he sank back into the dirt. A sigh of relief hung from her lips as she swung the sword to move a few vines and branches out of her way, before continuing onward. Taking the turn, she aimed for, Sophia kept herself a bit more alert this time. Unknowing of what strange or dangerous creature would block her path next. Nothing popped up for about ten minutes, she wondered the maze, seeing stains of blood in the dirt and on the leaves, her heart raced wondering who may not have made it out of her alive. Who may have answered a riddle incorrectly. She only knew she didnt want to be next. The blonde found herself at a crossroads, so to speak. There was a path in front of her and to the right and the left. She didnt want to over analyze it or think to much, so she went with her gut and walked straight ahead. The eerie breeze picked up and the hedges danced themselves into a large circle around her, closing. A tiny seed emerged from the ground growing into a large tree that had the features of many. A Leshy. He had a long tail, hooves and horns on the top of his head. His hair and beard were made from silky strands of grass swaying in his entirely creepy breeze. Holding her sword in front of her, the Leshy held up a foot and shot out his claw, quickly writing her next riddle in the dirt. A treasure lies in marble halls as white as milk, protected by a barrier lined with skin as soft as silk. With a fountain crystal clear, a golden apple doth appear. No doors there are to this strong hall, yet thieves break in and steal it all. What is the treasure? Sophia had to read it nearly four times to even make sense of it. And she knew he wouldnt leave it etched there long. She ran it over and over in her head. White. No doors. Treasure. Gold. Break into. Her fingers curled against her matted hair as she scratched her head in confusion. The Leshy blew the dirt, erasing the words hed scribbled and narrowed his eyes at Sophia. He wanted an answer. Sophia felt all was lost, when the only thing she had come up with, she wasnt sure was correct. She took a deep breath and loudly spoke, The treasure is an egg. The Leshy grunted and swirled around in a whirlwind of sorts before vanishing. The hedges opened up and allowed Sophia to keep moving. She could hardly believe that was correct. One more. she mumbled out loud The note said three. So only one more. she reminded herself--allowing the tiniest bit of hope to rise inside of her. Sophia walked the hedges, keeping her eyes and ears alert for the last creature. She knew that whatever it was, it was going to be difficult. This house wouldnt let her out without a fight. A tiny golden light appeared down the path before her. Common sense would have said turn away but Sophia walked toward it, uncaring at this point what danger lied ahead. She was either going to live or die. Two options, so going toward the light was her choice. As she got closer she saw the door. The door! She was there. But before her feet to could pass the light, before she could reach the door, the golden light rose and turned into a beautiful, but still deadly, Sphinx. The creature sat down, her lion like body, muscular and strong, and her voice was almost melodic as she spoke the final riddle: First think of the person who lives in disguise. Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies. Next, tell me whats always the last thing to mend. The middle of middle and end of the end? And finally give me the sound often heard, during the search for a hard-to-find word. Now string them together and answer me this, which creature would you be unwilling to kiss? Sophia listened as carefully as she could, she let the sword fall from her fingers hitting the dirt below her with a muffled thump. Sophia brought her fingers to her temples and rubbed them gently as she paced, breaking down the riddle piece by piece. A person who lives in disguise, secrets, lies. A spy. The last thing to mend. Middle of middle. End of end. She played over in her head, visualizing the words as she heard them. D. Sound heard for a hard to find word. This one confused her more. Grr, ahh, ugh...err! Err. String them all together, she mumbled, pacing more fervently now. Spy-d-err- . Spyderr. Oh. she gasped and walked up to the Sphinx and spoke clearly but proudly. I would be most unwilling to kiss a Spider. she said, confident that shed gotten it right. The Sphinx shot her a look, licked her lips and turned, vanishing into the mist. Sophia smiled and ran for the door infront of her, opening it and leaving the maze behind. One step closer to freedom.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 17:47:51 +0000

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