I apologize in advance for the long post. I just wanted to get - TopicsExpress


I apologize in advance for the long post. I just wanted to get this out there. I dont know if anyone will read this or even care. I just wanted to say it. I have been a member of the LDS church my entire life. These past couple years have been rough though because I havent lived the standards set forthe by the leaders. Because of that its been easier and easier to be numbed to the pain of sin. But numbing doesnt just fade away the bad feelings, it also fades the good. I havent felt love, hope, or joy since late 2012. From an intellectual standpoint I know its there. I just havent felt it. On Sunday I felt off for some reason, and the couple people I talked to knew that I was quite troubled by the feeling. It was new, empty, and somewhat depressing. I didnt realize until later that day that it was because the numbness I had grow so accustomed to was starting to wear off. For the first time in a couple years I felt how empty my life was. So void of hope, love, and happiness. I was scared for the first time in a while because I had no idea what was happening let alone what was going to happen. I just knew that I was empty, lost, and not who I knew I could be. Today was the first time I actually felt the spirit. And it was because of music. Marshall McDonalds arrangements of If you could hie to kolob and come thou fount of every blessing brought to mind the beauty all around us and the power and beauty music has to open our eyes to the amazing things of this world. Nothing brings the Spirit faster than music. There are things that can bring it just as fast, but nothing can bring it faster. Its my hope and wish that if you are lacking in hope or love, or you know that youre numbing the pain that youll let yourself feel again. There is so much joy and beauty in the world around us. Wholesome and uplifting music can help release you from your own self doubt and the pain you feel because of your perceived inadequacies. It worked for me. It could work for you. Theres always someone looking out for you. Always somebody who loves you. Someone will always be there.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 20:45:08 +0000

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