I apologize to anyone in advance if I offend anyone with my - TopicsExpress


I apologize to anyone in advance if I offend anyone with my political leanings or my negative view of things right now. Im trying to be positive and seeing the goodness of the world, but happenings in Ferguson, MO are making it hard for me to feel this way. I am utterly heartbroken by what is occuring. This guy is saying what other people wont, the plain truth of the system that has been put in place to subjugate Black people (I say Black, because my Black professor in African American studies told me thats what I should call African Americans, so out of respect for this regal and knowledgable man thats the term I use). Im surprised the news had the balls to air this, but Im glad they did. When a people are subjugated with brutal military tactics and told time and time again that their lives dont matter as much as ours, this is the poison fruit that this country has sown. When the local authorities begin Blackwashing the victim: such as posting pics of the savage Nigger they were or werent ala Wilie Horton, an anger grows inside of me as I know how this all works in the media. The media is used by corporations to shape and mold public sentiment. The stories are paid for and the news kneels to its overlords. If you feel like this is not my problem, because Im not black. You are unbelievably wrong. This is just the things you can see, because they know its always been okay to treat black people like Niggers. The politicians and their corporate overlords have been slowly chipping away at your rights as citizen of this country. They have been actively making sure that you as person also have less financial mobility in life, so that you are forced to live the life they decided you should live? Sounds like Communism right? No, its Free Market Capitalism, where the spending populace decides who matters and who doesnt. The only problem is that with passing of Citizens United, its empowered corporations to even further influence policy and action in this country. We as a people really need to decide what type of country we are. Are we a bunch of Kardashian video game playing meat drones? Or are we a country of thinkers and creators? Are we going to go back to the the values that made this place great when I first arrived here? A country that took care of its poor and less fortunate. I love it here, I love the people, I can say Im proud that I ended up an American by sheer good luck in life. But I want that America back, the one that had a good mental health care system for its citizens. Not the one that allows a family to go broke, because the for profit medical industrial complex want its shareholders to enjoy even more wealth off the misfortunes of others. Okay Im totally ranting too much. We can change all of this in our daily lives. We kind be kinder, more mindful, and vote for the people who will make a difference. People who actually care for the average American. Wake up everyone, before we are in the same society and economic shackles of our Black brothers and sisters. Im frustrated to the point that if things in Ferguson dont change soon, Ill go join the peaceful protests. #ferguson
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 02:27:53 +0000

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