I appreciated reading this. As I watch the news footage and listen - TopicsExpress


I appreciated reading this. As I watch the news footage and listen to the stories of confronting Berkeley police, something about this feels off. This feels like activism as sport, as a fashion statement. When Ive looked through the photos of primarily white faces, Ive wondered what is at the heart of their intent. Is is truly to support the black community? Or, is it to earn an activists merit badge, be able to go home for Christmas and tell mom and dad and all ones friends that the police subjugated you too? I turned on the news and it titled this as a protest against police brutality. But I vaguely remember this as being about the fact that black people live in a different America than we do as white people, that it is truly unsafe to be a black man or boy in this country b/c the police have made them a target. I appreciate that riots have had a significant contribution to social change historically. But, I also deeply appreciate the long history of nonviolent civil disobedience that have moved movements forward. The Montgomery Bus Boycotts went on for a year and a half. They were economically strategic and long term commitments. Montgomery tried to ban car pools b/c they had such a significant impact. This will likely end when the Berkeley students go home for Christmas. In some cases, its not even their community theyre trashing. The just go to school here, a very expensive one at that. Im sad b/c the events that have gone on in this country to start this movement feels forgotten. I consider myself an activist and definitely committed to social justice, social equity and truth to power, but I dont want to have anything to do with these protests. I cant completely even articulate what feels off. I think several of us are muted b/c we dont want to appear not in support of the actual issue again that black people in America are target by our police, but also our judicial institution, corporate America, social services, the education system and our general dominant social structure. The system of inequality is so deep. But, a bunch of white people looting Whole Foods and Trader Joes doesnt get us far nor does provoking the police into a situation where they have to be in confrontation whether or not theyre handling that skillfully. I think weve forgotten how to be activists, how to do this as a community and how to really speak truth to power. And, I dont think activism always has to be pretty or neat. This doesnt nearly articulate my feelings on this and doesnt do it near justice. Maybe the best thing to say is Im sad and this feels off.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 05:01:44 +0000

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