I arrived knowing that my student, Jillian Bennett, was already - TopicsExpress


I arrived knowing that my student, Jillian Bennett, was already there and that the baby (not born yet) and mama were doing well in the birth pool. I noticed how sweet it was that the one sister was quietly and calmly helping her younger sister through a contraction - helping her to breath through it. The birth area was set in what was the dining room. Her husband had made such a nice space for this waterbirth. I asked her if she had, indeed, felt the babys head just inside, and she nodded. No need for an internal exam from the midwife. Hands were held, and encouragement given, and a cool rag occasionally wiped her brow, and her work continued - fully supported to do what she knew how to do. Unencumbered by monitor straps or IV lines or the hospital bed (though these things are all very much needed, sometimes), she could move easily in the warm water. We listened to babys heartbeat often, making sure she was dealing well with this process. We offered the mama water sips, but mostly we let her be. And after only being there for about 25 minutes I was handing her her sweet baby girl and the joy was so apparent and pure. Since Im her aunt I decided that I should capture this moment in a few photos, for her and her husband to have, and at that moment I was not needed for anything else anyways :-). Im so glad I did - they are beautiful! And I had thought that this birth might go just like it did - we call it a butter birth - but we had many things in place in case it did not. I feel so very blessed to have attended my sweet niece at her daughters birth (2nd baby). I also feel blessed to have such an amazing family that they get what it is to support a woman/family at this time. My other niece, the big sister, was great support, before, during and after the birth! My sister, their mama, arrived and took a turn holding little Rose, but then she busied herself in the kitchen and the dishwasher was loaded in no time. Meals will come and childcare offered and this Babymoon time will be held as precious. Just as it should be.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 15:18:58 +0000

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