I ask.. Why would any man or woman, a free inhabitant on the land, - TopicsExpress


I ask.. Why would any man or woman, a free inhabitant on the land, want to apply, (beg) for a license to do any activity that, by its very nature is already lawful. People need to wake up and realize who they are, free, or a slave to criminals running municipal corporations for profit. Start asking yourselves who or what supposedly gave these fraudulent unconstitutional corporate fictions masquerading as legitimate government entities, the authority to regulate every facet of our lives. They create codes, statutes, ordinances and public policies that they call the law, when nothing could be further from the truth. What they have created is mere color of authority, or color of law, and by deceiving everyone into contracting with them by way of licenses, permits, and registrations, they presume authority to control us. And when the terms of these fraudulent contracts are violated, they use their de facto courts of admiralty to fine and or imprison. Learn the truth people, its all a racketeering scam created and imposed upon the people by rich elite bankers in order to extract revenue and property from you. This farce perversion has been going on for way too long. The 13th amendment was supposed to end slavery. However, a wave of the magical legalese wand, and the people were once again ensnared by the terms of the 14th amendment. Forced servitude supposedly ended, but volunteer servitude took its place by crafty deception. I look at it like this, if I had to purchase a license to sell my lawful services to others, then I would have to agree that what I know in my heart is a lawful activity for a free man to participate in, has somehow been magically transformed into an unlawful activity, and the only way it becomes lawful is for some criminal de facto government to attach a fee to it. If that isnt a good example of racketeering I dont know what is. And if you cant understand the fact that this is form of servitude is slavery any way you slice it, be it directly forced upon you, or by deceptively acquired consent, I feel sorry for you. I implore you to go look in a mirror and ask yourself these very important questions... When you were a child in grade school, citing the pledge of allegiance, was that to the republic for which it stands or a democracy? I never agreed or consented to mob rule! I never consented to two wolves and one sheep voting on whats for dinner! Did you? https://youtube/watch?v=qpcfZzx8xY0 — with Josie Wales.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 12:53:13 +0000

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