I ask of you to ask your self this question as i have seen why - TopicsExpress


I ask of you to ask your self this question as i have seen why would i choose a fascist government if i dont want a country run by islam government. But let me now ask if not fascist who then labour libdem concervative ukip greenparty who as our curent government are and have faild our country and her people as of the governts before them all say the same and do the same sell out the British people and sell out our land and industrys from under us. Did we the voters have a say on joining the EU or on how many imigrants cab come to our country. Did they ask us the voters if it is ok to send our armed forces to those muslem lands that try to destroy us no. Did they ask us if it is ok to reduce the size of our public services or our defences and armed forces no. But do they take pay cuts to that of the average wage. No instead they take from us and do not give back the sell our industrys and water companys to the highest bidders the let british jobs be sent abroad thus putting more british people out of work are farmers are loosing there farms to due to mass imports or fuels and energy are controled by any other country but our own. So now let me as who would you vote for. Why not the NewBritishUnion yes we are fascist but we are also poeple on average wages and care about our country and what is happening to it and our brothers and sisters. Do not dismiss us because we are who we are. Look at the site see what and who we are yes we are normal people. So please stop and look at the NewBritishUnion site and find out who we are we are not the ones who want to destroy our country or our nation.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 16:39:30 +0000

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