I ask that you please review the flyer we will be handing out to - TopicsExpress


I ask that you please review the flyer we will be handing out to the public. This is very important and can really make a difference. At no time should this flyer be taken as a way to end child support. The purpose of this flyer is to fix a system that is causing more harm than good. Child support was designed to help the custodial parent with financial relief from the non-custodial parent. The ideology has strong merit and should continue, but the system needs a major overhaul. Our organization started receiving many emails from men and women who are finding that no matter how much they try to resolve their situation with child support and the courts, they cannot get the help they need. Some have lost their jobs because they cannot afford child support or they pay for more than one and because most jobs can only pay to so many, others will not receive payment unaware to the non-custodial parent. Arrears can be a huge problem if the non-custodial parent is still paying, but still finds that they are accumulating arrears. The non-custodial parent cannot afford to pay the rest because half of their pay is already reduced due to their obligation. It is a confusing system that must be addressed immediately. Because of this confusing system, most non-custodial parent find themselves not able to have a drivers license or a passport. Both of these can be considered a necessity for job purposes (truck driver or a pilot). Our organization is called Nap-Sack and our website is nap-sack.org. We represent individuals through a strong social website, similar to Facebook, but with a purpose. People write to us seeking help on certain matters and we use our unique petition program to get the petitioners message across. We plan on using our petition program to receive 300,000 signatures and file a class action lawsuit. Let us tell you the reason why we support the thousands that are looking for help and demanding real change. Though the reason for child support is good, the system is not working. The non-custodial parent, no matter how many children he or she have, must pay according to their income. If the non-custodial parent has three, four or five children, they should only be allowed to pay a certain percentage from their income and within that percentage, all children should receive payment. If they have a second job, they should pay a certain percentage from that added income. We should not allow judges or magistrates to dictate how much the payment should be since Child Enforcement receives the non-custodial parent income and can begin the stage. We also should not allow the non-custodial parent to lose his or her job because documents they need to be employed has been taken away due to arrears. How can they continue paying child support if they have no job? Nap-Sack has a plan on how to fix the system and make the process much easier for everybody. Each parent that files for child support should go through the Child Enforcement Agency. Once a date has been set, both parents should go through the mediation process to figure out if a financial resolution can be reached. If nothing can be reached, then the Child Enforcement Agency should make the final decision on how much the non-custodial parent should pay. If the non-custodial parent has another child, Child Enforcement should then adjust the non-custodial parents payment preventing the non-custodial parent from falling into arrears. The only time a non-custodial parent should fall into arrears is if he or she decides not to work or they hide added income that can go towards child support. Only then should a judge or magistrate be used. This we feel will change and improve the system: 1. Improve non-custodial parent/child relationship 2. Improve mother/father relationship in raising their child/ren 3. Reduction in prison population 4. Prevent felony conviction for failure to pay child support 5. Improve trust in the judicial system 6. Decrease negative view on single parent in urban neighborhoods 7. Reduction in court appearance Go to: nap-sack.org/petition/2/fair-child-support-for-all We need everybody who supports our goal to sign up, become a member and sign our petition. All signatures must be valid in order for our petition to be credible and our class action lawsuit can be taken seriously. Join us and lets make a difference.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 06:58:02 +0000

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