I ask the same. ISIS is bad. But Israel is worst because of the - TopicsExpress


I ask the same. ISIS is bad. But Israel is worst because of the genocide and apartheid on Palestinians for decades. On top of that, Israel has nuclear. The world has all the reasons it needs to stop Israel and bring it to face the ICC. So why on earth are we not doing that? I was targeted by the Israeli soldiers today . We are quick to condemn ISIS for the killing of a few journalists. If murdering journalists is terrorism, why is it that Israel is never held accountable for the many Palestinian journalists that theyve murdered? The targeting of Palestinian journalists is never by mistake as Israel always claims. Here you can see the proof in this video. You can see with your own eyes how they aim directly at the journalists who are trying to cover the issues surrounding the occupation, as if trying to expose their crimes towards the Palestinian people, is a crime in itself. Today, I was targeted by the Israeli army. They shot directly at me multiple times because I was trying to cover a peaceful demonstration against the israeli occupation. I was lucky that I didnt get hit , i tried to say for them stop shooting Iam a journalist and i raised my camera as they can see , then one of the soldiers said to me if you are man come closer , i had to say go play your stupid games away from here bastard and i left them to go back home , but On my way home, one of the Israeli jeeps followed me and fired at my legs. You can see all of that in this video. The camera has become Israels most feared weapon .
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 06:59:51 +0000

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