I ask you, does United States citizenship mean anything - TopicsExpress


I ask you, does United States citizenship mean anything anymore? Apparently not. Lost in all this media cover over the shutdown is that Obama and the Democrats are giving illegal aliens all the rights and privileges of a US Citizen without going through the lawful process that is the law. These aliens will not assimilate into the American way of life but will bring down America as they will not understand what it was that made America great. This is part of Obama’s grand scheme to have a perpetual under class, uninformed and dependent on the Democrats and the government. How we have Obama care that is becoming a total disaster and will further bring down America. Again another part of Obama’s grand scheme. Their ultimate goal is a single payer system. Obama is using the shutdown to pick and choose what parts of the government to shut down. Picking areas that will hurt the most for political reasons. He had the military lock the doors to churches on military bases. The Parks Service was told to make it hurt. They shut down roads leading to National Parks. They locked the elderly in their hotel rooms and placed arm guards there. They moved homeowners out of their homes. They tried to deny the World War II veterans the right to visit their memorial but let the Immigration rally to proceed on the mall. I didn’t know we lived in Nazi Germany. Why do you think they did that? This president does not have America’s best interest at heart. He dislikes our military, our Jude-Christian valves, he despises the Constitution and he doesn’t believe in individual rights. In short Obama is the most destructive and anti-American president to have ever sat in the Whitehouse. How did we allow this to happen? Has America shifted so far to the left that she will never regain her greatness. I pray that somewhere there is an American who will rise up and lead this nation back to sanity.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 23:55:20 +0000

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