I asked the Coffee Party about conflict of interest 3 times...and - TopicsExpress


I asked the Coffee Party about conflict of interest 3 times...and I was labelled uncivil as a result...below is the letter the Coffee Party has sent me in theor continued escalation of the situation. The deceit is in the letter is incredible...This is not how you build bridges. There is so much pent up energy, and these people have zero idea how to unleash the energy. With real leadership capable of tapping into the energy of members, great things could happen. I have tagged a few people...The founder of the Coffee Party who has been banned from anything to do with the movement she founded. She understands what the Coffee Party was supposed to stand for. I have also tagged a few board members whose leadership has resulting in a loss of confidence of a large number of original members. Interestingly, the Coffee Party just held elections. The candidate vetting resulted in the disqualification of almost all candidates other than the current board because the challengers wanted change... I also find it interesting the key activity the board for many months has been involved has been a multi-tiered marketing program to peddle Fracked Natural Gas to Coffee Party Members in collaboration with a company with a BBB rating of F. I understand the program ultimately was not launched because of actions taken by the President at the time of the Organization. The President resigned over the program due to something about a concern over conflict of interest. While I have no first hand knowledge, I understand the concern related to board members personally benefiting from the deal to sell to Coffee Party Members. I also understand there are tapes of the board meetings sent to an individual and the tapes reveal behaviors which have yet to be acknowledged by the board, and as I understand are alleged to be inconsistent with what one would expect of a board member. I also understand the tapes include a discussion with a legal adviser who has advised actions of the board might not be consistent with the assertions made in the letter I was sent. Rather than continuing to escalate the tension, I would have hoped the board would have found a way to bridge the divide, and help this caring and energized group participate in the Coffee Party. Instead, this group is now pursuing actions which I expect will result in the removal of the board. The situation is sad but it will come to an end. Hopefully, the end does not include the complete demise of the Coffee Party. Annabels beautiful movement rapidly reached 350,000 people...since then the growth has been less than inspiring...when I look at the letter I received, I am not surprised the growth has stalled under this current leadership. Is any of this uncivil? ___________________________________________________________________ Mike, As with many grassroots groups, there have been, and continue to be growing pains within Coffee Party USA. We are saddened by the lack of civility and reason that has been chosen by some currently challenging the internal workings of our organization. Our established processes and procedures were created by thousands of hours of member, volunteer, consultant, and leadership time including input from our founders. As members of the Board Of Directors, it is our duty to assure these processes are followed. The way forward toward resolution of any issue is not to usurp the process, but to follow the solutions already at hand and designed long ago. Rather than seeking resolution within the organization, some have chosen a strategy of dysfunctional discord, side tracking the Coffee Party in such a way we find it necessary to ban their participation. These few appear committed to the very tactics our movement was founded to counter. As you may know, you are among those whose participation has been banned. Please know that at all times the Board of Directors has operated legally and in good faith to protect Coffee Party USA. It has been and is our intention to honor the Coffee Party mission: building, nurturing, and connecting communities to reclaim our government for the people. We seek to create a place of civil and fact-based dialog where we identify common ground and take action accordingly. We need to remind you that Coffee Party USA is trademarked. If you are an admin or owner of any media where the Coffee Party name and logo is used, please take one or both of the following actions. Return control of the media to Coffee Party USA. This includes, but is not limited to: illegal copies of Coffee Party meeting recordings local Coffee Party Facebook pages online accounts set up for Coffee Party USA where you have access Remove all mention of Coffee Party, Coffee Party USA and any use of Coffee Party logo on any of your Facebook pages, fundraisers, or other correspondence or media. Because we believe the best solution is for you to apply your energy and finances to a like minded group you can support, we bid you farewell, and wish you best of luck in your future endeavors. Thank you for your past support, COFFEE PARTY USA Debilyn, Vince, Jeanene, Egberto, Cameron and Dan
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 04:05:49 +0000

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