I attend somewhat regularly~~ the lunches of the Economic Club of - TopicsExpress


I attend somewhat regularly~~ the lunches of the Economic Club of Washington. They were more interesting when Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. Esq. had his term as the President of the Club. Well, one noontime the Speaker of the day was the CEO of American Express, Kenneth Chenault (African-American), highly successful head of the company. [To wit: my Amex monthly bill.] Vernon Jordan has been a member of the American Express Board of Directors for many years. We were all seated at jillions of round tables when Jordan entered the hotel ballroom with the guest of honor/speaker. Of course, many people tried to rush the two of them. Only Vernon Jordan knows how to skilfully brush them aside without seeming rude, or without appearing to give the brush off. It is always a masterful performance to watch. He walked Ken Chenault to a table right next to mine. It was occupied by a host of young-ish black men (late 30s) who I came to learn were all in the high stakes financing and international investment banking business -- just beginning to show great promise. Vernon Jordan stopped there and introduced each young man to this captain of industry -- by name, company, described his education, the arc of his career, something about his early life, and about his dreams -- without notes. No cards were exchanged, a memo would follow to Mr. Chenault. I saw this happening. The spread of the wings. The reach down to lift up. I wanted to stand up and cheer. Well, I did send a note to THE SPECTACULAR MR. JORDAN the very next morning. It was a note of appreciation and gratitude. How could I not? Here endeth the Lesson.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 01:24:05 +0000

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