I awake to state divided. A people turned against each, and a - TopicsExpress


I awake to state divided. A people turned against each, and a venomous attitude perpetuated by the controllers of society. One side celebrating the victory of greater taxation and less freedom. Obviously because they either receive handouts from the master or work for the system that must feed on labors of citizenry. The other side depressed at the reality of an ever increasing tax burden, limiting their life, prosperity and the future of their children. None of this need to be so. We were given a world of immense wealth and resource by our creator. Yet, because of greed, racism, elitism, selfishness, and hatred, only an ever increasingly smaller amount of people benefit and a ever increasing amount suffer. Yet I read the comments on the news pages, people celebrating the destruction of their neighbors. All because of differing views. When will we wake up and realize the true enemy is anyone who says they a different , hate them. If we the people could realize that all our futures are interdependent, then this world would thrive. Yet we will accept the lies of our masters and do their bidding. This will only lead to our unified misery. Yes some groups will thrive temporarily, but eventually the end game will be suffering for all. There are no answers in politics or politicians, they only serve themselves and those who finance their power. Nothing will change until we the people unite for our common good. This division will only lead to darker days, The answer is known, the path is clearly marked, yet no one is leading the people to better reality. We are all responsible for this mess and it will only be fixed when we all accept responsibility for it.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 13:35:23 +0000

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