I awaken today with "truth" on my heart. The one truth that - TopicsExpress


I awaken today with "truth" on my heart. The one truth that undergirds everything. Yes, "TRUTH" brings hope. Things hoped for manifest by "faith" and FAITH is the answer when seeking truth about myself, my relationships, my health or anything hoped for. "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing." Romans 15:13. Hope fills us at the moment we believe! Hope is the confident expectation that good is coming (in fact, it is already here; but sometimes we look for it in all the wrong places.) Our hope level is the indicator of whether we believe truth or lies. Our hopelessness about a problem is a bigger problem than the problem itself. BELOVED ... there are no "hopeless" circumstances ... only hopeless people. Once someone gets true hope; the circumstance cannot stay the same. Yes, indeed the battle is between truth and lies. "The truth shall make you free." (John 8:32). The Kingdom of God is not primarily moved by good conduct; but rather by right-believing. The New Covenant believer shall walk by faith; focused more on right-believing than by conduct-based performance. The latter will always fail you (or another) at some point; but right believing and focusing on Jesus shall never fail! We can have great doctrine; and preach and teach the truth; and still be spiritually weak when we believe lies. So ... just embrace the truth; cast out the lies and send them back to the accuser as "dead on arrival". Walk in His truth and you will walk in love and wisdom as you live a joy-filled life that no one or nothing can take away from you.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 11:52:20 +0000

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