I been challenged several times to pick 5 photos that make me feel - TopicsExpress


I been challenged several times to pick 5 photos that make me feel pretty, and post them tagging 5 others to focus focus on their own outer beauty. Not ALL of us can do that, not all of us feel we are pretty on the outside, and this challenge I think is a little misguided, because I just feel...we live in a pretty vein world, where outer beauty seems to hold so much unnecessary importance already. TRUE beauty is more than skin deep. MANY times in life, I have met the most gorgeous person ever, then they open their mouth, and nothing but pure ugly spews out. Words packed with arrogance and attitude. Suddenly, the person you just judged their beauty on, by appearance alone, really isnt a pretty person at all. How we appear on the outside holds little weight in the TRUE beauty of anyone, no matter what they wear, or how they have combed or colored their hair. The most attractive people I know, are the ones who spend less time concentrating on appearing beautiful, and more time on creating beauty by their actions. I feel beautiful when I am doing something that makes a difference in the life of another human. When I can offer help, assistance, or talk a friend out of the idea of a bad day. When words of encouragement and a smile change the direction of the day of someone I care about. I feel beautiful when I dont allow my anger to make me spill hateful and mean things at another, and I walk away from a toxic situation, rather than add more poison. I feel beautiful, when I can rally my friends and family to come together and make good things happen for others who need it. I feel good about myself when I can encourage someone else to find SOMETHING beautiful, in a lousy situation. And there is NOTHING that makes me feel more pretty than when a child I have been blessed to care for, and love, comes back to me later and says to me YOU made a positive difference in my life. That, my friends...cant be posted in an image. True beauty, has nothing to do with how you look in a photo in a moment in time. But everything to do with how you use those moments of time given, to make the world a prettier place. 5 pictures of me smiling a cheesy camera smile does not make me feel beautiful. I choose to opt out of this challenge of finding images I feel beautiful in. Instead, I am challenging myself to DO or BE 5 beautiful things that SHOW my beauty instead.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 13:14:00 +0000

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