I beg every member of this group to please watch and listen to - TopicsExpress


I beg every member of this group to please watch and listen to this Republican Minority rebuttal by Senator Saxby Chambliss, the ranking republican on the Senate Intelligence Committee, to learn just how dishonest, deceitful, and damaging the Senate Intelligence report on CIA torture is to our national security and how much it places our men and women in uniform and in the CIA with “life threatening” repercussions. The release of this completely partisan and inaccurate 6000 page report may very well be the most stupid and dangerous thing that congress has ever done to our national security in the entire history of that body. Its release is nothing less than shameful and has no positive value for our country. It can only damage our national security. Not only has the release of this report ensured the compromise of many of our most sensitive ”intelligence sources and methods” and given our enemies a distinct advantage over us and also helped them in training their spies to defeat our interrogation tactics, and potentially compromised many of our own spies and spy handlers, it will require an extremely lengthy and difficult requirement to devise and develop new intelligence sources and methods to replace those that have been compromised. The release of this report has made it monumentally more difficult for our intelligence services to garner and develop new “actionable intelligence” that we need to save American lives. Hence, it is not just the immediate threat that the release of this report has surely caused, but also the long-term risk to life and lib of our civilian and military personnel in future years. Many will die for the lack of intelligence information that we might otherwise have had to save lives but for the release of this report. We are now faced with a diplomatic crisis with our closest allies who helped us in the aftermath of 9/11 and who this report has now thrown under the bus. Their is little chance they will ever want to work with us clandestinely ever again because of this. They know that no matter how much our intelligence services promise to keep secret their involvement, a single US senator can reveal to the world our most sensitive secrets. Ladies and gentlemen, any other American who revealed “intelligence sources and methods” to anyone, let alone our enemies, would be prosecuted for treason and face the potential death penalty upon conviction. The information released in this report is at least as damaging to our national security as the Top Secret information revealed by the American traitor, Edward Snowden, whom the Obama Administration and the FBI have a standing warrant out for his arrest for treason. Senator Feinstein is now our new Edward Snowden and she should face the same criminal prosecution as he does for the same treasonous release of Top Secret “Intelligence and Sources” information. Her position should not place her above the law and no American has the right to knowingly and deliberately place our national security and the lives of Americans serving our country at risk as she so clearly has done, regardless of reason. As a bare minimum, the American people should write their members of congress, and the Director of the FBI, and DEMAND the “immediate revocation” of the security clearances of Senator Diane Feinstein and her entire staff as well as the security clearance of all other Senator’s and their staff members who supported this criminal releases of information that places our national security at grave risk. We need to start a national campaign to make this happen. I ask each and every one of you to please share this video and do your part in making it go viral. Please take the time to watch and listen to it completely because it is so revealing. Every American needs and deserves to hear this rebuttal. Thank you for your time and thank you for watching and sharing this post. c-span.org/video/…
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 11:06:07 +0000

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