I begin this post with the FOCUSED INTENTION that it will only be - TopicsExpress


I begin this post with the FOCUSED INTENTION that it will only be read and responded to by the right people. The past couple days have had me in a real Funk. There are many reasons for this, most of which I will not relate here. However, the main reason is because I am to the point where I can barely tolerate the greed, manipulation, deceit, and F_ing Evil BS I witness in the World At Large... Even one more minute. I am a person who FEELS things very deeply, and as the born Mystic and Sacred Observer which I AM ... The apparent Madness of the world Out There really, really hurts me. It pierces my heart, beyond words. Sometimes I think I have cried trillions of oceans of tears during the progression of Who I AM. Some of them are Joyful, due to the brilliance of the human spirit which I observe ... But Many of them are full of the grief that there is so much unnecessary heartache and pain experienced by all of my others. Before I fell asleep last night, I was sobbing and repeating the following refrain over and over: I want US (Those with Good Hearts) to exit this hell-hole experience ... Please show me how ... Please. The longer version was: I am so ready to get out of this Hell Hole of a place ASAP ... I feel I have accomplished my primary mission and I no longer wish to be here ... There is some other version of Truth and Undistorted Reality where I AM called to BE with my BEloved human family ... All of Us, FINALLY Liberated from this goddamn BS. But, I dont know how to get there. Please show me how to do my part to expedite this. Please Well ... All night in my dreams I was with a person I have never met physically, but who has written music that has spoken to me at very deep levels. This music is, in fact, one of the main things that keeps me going during moments when I am seduced by utter despair. But, this is actually a digression from the point of this post. Moreover, it represents a piece of my story that is way too unwieldy and seemingly crazy to share at this point in time ... If ever? When I woke up, I saw the number 7 within my minds eye. This was accompanied with the curious inner sense that there is a symbolic significance to what is known as The Seventh Seal. Furthermore, for some reason, my inner guidance told me that it was particularly significant for me and my personal contribution to the co-creation of a Better World. I will add that the woman I live with recently told me that she wanted us to watch the movie The Seventh Sign, with Demi Moore - Which is the kind of interesting synchronicity to which I pay attention. I was also requested to keep working on the first, initial video presentation of my life as the figurative Cave Woman which I recently started. This is just one creative project that has enthralled me. It will unfortunately take some time to complete, since I am largely self-taught and still learning how to master the software I am using. Plus, I experience much frustration due to the fact that I am working on a limited laptop that is choking with the level of my ambitions. It saddens me that it will be many months before I can afford the new powerful desktop computer for which I yearn. I need it to facilitate what I feel is my most vital calling at this point in time ... i.e. the progression of the creative projects of words and shapes and sounds with which I have been seeded. But, it is what IT IS ... Unless and until the Universe brings me unexpected funds from unexpected sources. All of my projects constitute what wants to be called The She Series. They will be eventually be featured on the Shimalaii website I intend to design. Shimalaii is my spiritual name given to me in an unforgettable OBE. They will reflect upon: (1) the unusual story of my off-the-grid and Out-Of-The-Box life as the Cave Woman, and (2) my unique view of things. These endeavors all revolve around one common theme: the Sacred Merging of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. But, back to The Seventh Seal reference. I admit that this topic is not something I have ever explored. Subsequently, I have no preconceptions whatsoever. In fact, I am rather clueless about what it might mean? In an initial google search, I did see something about the sound of Trumpets being involved. This nudged awake a childhood memory which had fallen away. When I was a very small girl I had a Dime-Store toy trumpet. However, it was one of my most prized possessions. At that early age, I was still more in touch in an unfiltered way - With little or no interference from outside, restrictive programming ... According to my connection with All That Is and The One Beyond All Names. Anyway, I recall my feeling as a little toddler that I wanted to hold on to this trumpet, because it was important to my role. Therefore, I would carry it around with me everywhere. All of this being said, I feel that it is highly doubtful if I will find the deepest level of relevance of The Seventh Seal in the typical biblical interpretations that I might find via more extensive online research. I feel (as most of you would probably agree) that most of the traditional religious views on the planet have been highly distorted and manipulated ... Even if seeds of the Truth may be hidden within them. In addition, I am not in the mood to wade through this claptrap to find the unblemished kernels of meaning which Spirit may be trying to show me. Hence, I was wondering if anyone might have some thoughts or insights on what is termed as The Seventh Seal. I would appreciate any ideas shared on this topic. I appreciate all who take the time to consider my request. Thank you in advance for adding your ideas to my sometimes very confusing piece of the wHOLY Puzzle of All That IS. I AM ... Shimalaii
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 22:42:39 +0000

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