I beleive today 8-26-13 is the final end to our plumbing saga. It - TopicsExpress


I beleive today 8-26-13 is the final end to our plumbing saga. It started in March, with a stopped up master toilet. The $11,200 diagnosis included "extras" by them to lessen the monetary blow. Each "free extra" : put in a new kitchen sink, transfer the garbage disposal, put in a new water filtration system, ETC. was poorly executed which lead to multiple "fixes." I kept a journal which ended up being 23 single space pages with photos, names, quotes, times, ETC. Everything dragged on for just under 5 months. Pivotal in all this was the fact that the $11,200 diagnosis did NOT solve the problem. I refused to pay for it. We had heated negotiations with four different "managers." About 6 wks ago we were at a stalmate. I refused to pay more than $5600. They wanted the $11,200. I suggested we let the courts decide. 24 hrs later they were back at our home with a signed agreement for $5600, includes 1 yr warranty on all work done, plus 5 yrs "flush" for liner pipe to the street. I signed. Then we had 2 cycles of AMEX insanity, they failed to properly bill. We continued to need them back to fix faulty work. Abt 3 wks agoi AMEX was straightened out, I wrote the ck, and today the plumber came to fix what we beleive is the last bit of faulty work. Prayers of thanksgiving are in order.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 05:08:51 +0000

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