I believe % 100 that everything happens for a reason and Gods - TopicsExpress


I believe % 100 that everything happens for a reason and Gods plans ad e for my own good...so when things bappen in my life I stry to search out the possible meaning and reason...for instnace the situation with me and Mary...I thought it was meant to be bit I was wrong...but I learned that I ready to be that kinda man...in a relationship and willing to love at all cost...then I cound ojt Kady is not mine...but I learned what the importance of stepping up as a father was and what I needed to be prepaired to do to raise a child in this messed up world...then the final straw comes and after time and time again of me telln her not to take the kids with her when she wants to go act a fool she tells me im no longer apart of their lives...after all of this..why?? Well I feel I learned many valuable lessons that have prepaired me but also that what always seemed to be let downs was God clearin the way for me...she was the last thread tying me to people and a lifestyle that I have strived to seperate myself from...and she cut it...now I must move on down the path laid before me...which happens to include a beautiful woman who loves me has no illegitimate children no connections to crazy, abusive, lowlife ex boyfriends...is ambitious and steadily striving towards the abundance God wishes for all of us...she has over come so many of the things I have, drug addiction, party life, and a criminal past, instead of choosing to embrace it...on top of her, my family is together in Christ...I am blessed to serve the Lord in His church...I have only a few, but some of the most amazing friends you could ask for...a good job with excetional financial skills...Lord praise you for your blessing and your grace wich allows me to get up when I slip and continue to move forward in the abundance and victory your Son gave us...im always looking forward as you strip me from what hinders me...all glory, honor, and praise go to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the name above all names Jesus Cbrist...
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 21:00:57 +0000

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