I believe I had 12? So heres 12 facts about my pregnancy. 1. I - TopicsExpress


I believe I had 12? So heres 12 facts about my pregnancy. 1. I didnt have your typical puking, stomach ache morning sickness. My body acted as if I was hypoglycemic. I dry-heaved and only puked once. 2. I didnt know/believe I was pregnant until I was about three months along. 3. The first ultrasound I got determined that one baby was a girl and the other was a boy. Which was very clearly wrong, that or Destry spontaneously grew a penis. When I found out the girl was a boy, I was a little disappointed because I really wanted a girl, even though in my head I knew he was a boy and I just kept trying to tell myself he was a girl. Im happy now though. 4. My induction was started when I was at 37 weeks according to my August 27th due date. It started on the 11th of August and ended on the 13th. I was in labor for around 42 hours. 5. I only cried when the contractions were so bad I couldnt sleep, I really wanted to sleep. I didnt get any sleep the first night night. 6. I took a three hour shower that night because it helped ease the pain of my contractions. 7. The second day of labor I was given something called stadol so I could sleep. That stuff is magic, I passed the eff out almost as soon as she injected me. I was breathing through my contractions in my sleep. 8. I was given the epidural when I was around 3cm dilated, I believe, on the second day because I was having a lot of trouble sleeping, and because my doctor didnt want me in pain anymore. It made the cervidil stop working so I was put on pitocin. I technically gave birth naturally with pitocin in my IV and I really do not want to go through that again. 9. After I had the boys I fainted twice in the hospital, once when they had me lean forward to get my epidural stuff out (I woke up laying down on my back and was confused) and again when the nurses were trying to help me get showered and as soon as I sat on the toilet to pee I fainted. Thank god they were there to catch me. And give me a wheel chair. It turned out I had lost tons of blood after my episiotomy since she couldnt stitch me up right after Destry was out and I needed a blood transfusion. I had two bags of blood put into me. 10. During labor, since I guess I was doing a really good job (and because I hadnt really eaten anything but ice chips for like 3 days and I wanted icecream after) my nurse Sherri screamed IM SO GETTING YOU ICECREAM. She did. And it was the best icecream I ever had. 11. There were around 15 people in the room was giving birth. 12. While I was in labor I never swore. But I DID get pissed off. The first time when my doctor told me to breathe through the next few contractions (because it hurt worse NOT to push than to push) and then she left to go pee. The second time when she kept making me move into different position because Destrys head was stuck &it hurt so much to move it wasnt funny. I dont know about anyone else but when Im in pain I dont want to move. The next few times when she told me to breathe through my contractions again. Again when she tried to tell me to breathe and not push yet when she had broken my second bag of waters for John. I told her no I need to push. And she was like OH. OKAY. Dont let me tell mama what to do. And then RIGHT after they were both born Kyle said So... Same time next year?
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 04:38:40 +0000

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