I believe I have developed bronchitis, first my throat started - TopicsExpress


I believe I have developed bronchitis, first my throat started hurting on Saturday, then I had a cough which became progressively worse by Monday night. I was making my herbal mix and Herbal Chamomile Tea with Organic Wild Honey (see previous post for ingredients) and taking it as usual, but noticed that my soar throat and cough were taking longer to heal, then last night my cough became worse, more frequent, my chest was starting to hurt, however, I was feeling a little relief with my throat but the cough was really affecting my breathing. So found an organic store Elements of Nutrients (E.N.) and picked up some essential items that I didnt have (beings that I am away from home) the number one thing that I believe completely healed me was the Oregano Oil. If youve never taken Oregano Oil, I advise you to keep it stocked in your medicine cabinet because its a cure all. Usually the moment I begin feeling sick, this is my go to herb. I took it around 3:30pm and by 4:00pm I was 98% better. My soar throat is completely gone and I have not coughed since taking the 2 gel tabs at 3:30pm. If youre battling a cold or flu be sure to add Oregano Oil, you can thank me later!!! This brand contains no starch, sugar, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, soy, milk, egg, shellfish or preservatives. *Sidenote: And of course check with your physician before taking my advise. Read More: webmd/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-644-oregano.aspx?activeingredientid=644&activeingredientname=oregano https://organicfacts.net/health-benefits/essential-oils/health-benefits-of-oregano-essential-oil.html
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 02:07:40 +0000

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