I believe in a general keeping of any specific aggressive & - TopicsExpress


I believe in a general keeping of any specific aggressive & persecutive religion from a role as a controlling government ruler to the total exclusion of other faith systems. AChristian for ex: should want freedom of religion for Muslims, Buddists, Jews, etc. The seperation of church and state is a principle with 1 clear purpose in MHO--to ** advocate,but not legislate & manipulate, the electorate about what a dominant faith which controls a government CAN/MAY do to its competitor or antagonist religions -but its NOT to actively attempt to neuter/ marginalize strong national faiths! NOT! This principle in my mind is being used for an ideology thru weak Christian spokes persons today who have little or no allegiance to traditional Protestantism to make this a secular land which is not what the US has been nor on what it was founded. I believe that the re-active paranoia of some has resultd in persecution of my religion. Any Christian that donates $$ to the faux Rev- Barry Lynns *Americans United for Seperation of Church & State needs a look in the mirror as this snake in the grass & sneaky wolf in sheeps clothing is anti American & voice against a Christian US-rather for secular America. In particular to SDA Christians who send $: Cut off his supply--send him no more $$ which he uses to travel like a king and speak like a traitor. What n embarrassment to Christianity, & thats MY opinion as clergy bout someone masquerading as one! Thank God we can still speak freely in our land! Yep, Im only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! speaking to Christians, since that is my tribe & my responsibilty! Isolate this turn- coat. Do your homework on this biased group that some folk- (WHO LIKE ME,-- believe in religious liberty)--get duped by his hidden/relentlss anti Christian agenda! Im guessing that hed prefer a land of atheists/ agnostics over conservat. or Christians. Dont hurt or hate him or them--just hit their green colored lifeline & theyll go away!
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 17:52:46 +0000

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