I believe in positive energy. I believe if your heart is pure - TopicsExpress


I believe in positive energy. I believe if your heart is pure and your mind is right good things will happen . I am well aware of the sh*t in this world , all of the ugly and all of the evil more then most people because of my chosen profession and bad desicions that I made myself and accept responsibility for . I choose to try and find the good in people . That is my choice (and mine alone ) but shame on ANYONE who ever mistakes my kindness for a weakness The inner peace I have found I worked very hard for. I surround myself with good people REAL people many of then new friends .I have taken on new hobbies or things my old friends would never think or believe I would do like Yoga and running . Even though these last few years have been crazy with personal issues , health issues both my own, family and friends I have never been happier . In most part it is due to my Julie she gets me , she lets me be me and for the first time since probably my child hood I feel like its OK to be me and be happy . We all deserve that I truly wish that for everyone . That being said ..... I will still knock a motherf*cker out ... Believe that ...... I hope that last sentence didnt ruin the sentiment ..... Just keeping it real .
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 18:53:57 +0000

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