I believe in the Scriptures - David Bowden In the beginning there - TopicsExpress


I believe in the Scriptures - David Bowden In the beginning there were words For no sky nor dirt Rocks or birds Death or birth Had yet been given proper syllabication So nothing physical had yet entered creation but despite the lacking of material manifestations There did hang one true annunciation....WORDS Words of GOD Spoken scripts Speaking scriptures, holy reads The writing builder, building mountains out of nouns Plants and herbs from active verbs Planting nations and puntuation Preparing solar positions with prepositions But man was dirt and needed an additive So GOD added his imperative So came the breath of life. The words that made dirt our relative We are born of bible Ladders formed our limps How can I deny GOD’s words when they are written on my skin? In this breath of life, GOD breathe to begin and exhalation for the ages, the inspiration of men You know the words of which I speak You memorized them They are the Pentateuch Torah History books Poets Major and minor prophets Synoptic gospels Acts of Apostles They are our scriptures Those ancient divine whispers passed down to modern listeners The mouth from which the universe was founded is fount On which our scriptures are ground. Listen to where the bible was originally sounded I believe in the scriptures That scripture says that scripture is...GOD BREATH GOD breath the breathe of life When GOD breathe on dirt He got man. When He breathe on men He got words The words are not in the dirt but in the breath The breath passes from man to man until they return to dirt The eternal chain of command, the passing of words and Now the words our hands but so often they are only found behind our lips or on our eyes Within church doors read in black lines Print on shirts, our commitment degust What we say is truth, our lives claims is lies but I believe in the scriptures The words in your bible are not meant on paper to lab I believe in the scriptures For by them, through them and to them I was made for they are the words of Genesis, the Exodus of shame They are the words that formed my bones and the ones that will call me from the grave They are the ink on my fresh, the pen on my tongue They are the words by which creation has began And through which creation will be done. There are the words of GOD and we are His listeners I believe GOD still speaks. I believe in the Scriptures.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 11:10:27 +0000

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