I believe in the thousands of FEMA Camps all across America, thats - TopicsExpress


I believe in the thousands of FEMA Camps all across America, thats a true fact. But I have never seen any evidence of these camps outside of America. Im in Canada we dont have one camp here.. Ive never seen any camp in Europe either. Endtimes is all about Israel and the Jews, how will the entire world in tribulation fit into American Fema Camps? Here is my thought. It’s just an opinion. Ive studied the markets and the U.S. dollar for years. The U.S. dollar will fall, this is a mathematical certainty. I believe many of the preparations being made by the U.S. government are preparations for civil unrest. Civil unrest that will happen when millions of Americans loose their savings. You cant go to the bank machine, every dollar you have in the bank is gone... That may not be endtime tribulation. The U.S. Government and the Fed are preparing for this. They have to reset the currency. I don’t believe all these preparations are to hoard Americans into Fema camps in tribulation under the rein of Obama as the AC. This fall of the dollar may lead to endtime events, but I remind you there is a huge debate if America is even a participant in bible prophecy . America is mysteriously missing. I am aware of the Babylon argument being the USA. If America is in bible prophecy it certainly isn’t obvious like many of the other participants. Yet I am to believe that the AC will come out of America when America is not obvious via endtimes. American prophecy watchers need focus on Israel and Europe. If you can’t answer basic questions on Israel and the rising Euro Super State then I suggest you have American tunnel vision. Round pegs in square holes stop when you read the bible literally. This is my opinion... you’re are welcome to your own.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 13:16:01 +0000

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